
I have really bad earache

by  |  earlier

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and its sort of paralyzing the entire right side of my face, it kills, like its originated from my earache and its unbearable, I can't eat/sleep and it hurts to laugh because I'm using my jaw muscles.

I am gonna make a doctors appointment for sometime next week but I don't think I can go on with this pain, it truly is excruciating, does anyone have any tips to help the pain in the meantime?

I've tried paracetamol that didn't work :(

I think its most likely is an ear infection, but I've had them before, its never been this bad before, this is the worst




  1. have you tried a hot water bottle against the hurt side and laying down comfy against some pillows. Got it out a baby sitter's book.

  2. Go to an Emergency Room or Urgent care. You may in fact have a very serious ear infection.   Do you really want to risk damage to your ear drum?  You aren't going to manage this kind of pain with non-prescription medications.

  3. Ok, it can be a severe ear infection...

    Or, a bad tooth, (yea, you would be surprised at the damage an infected tooth can do, anything from brain damage to damaging vital organs too!).

    It could be TMJ, but a dentist would have to verify this one.

    See your Ear-Nose-and Throat Doctor first, then a Dentist if they dont help you.

    May the LORD be with you.

    I wish you well...


  4. possible severe ear and throat infection, see a doctor you may need other antibiotics, your body may have developed an immunity to the ones you have

  5. take a little bit of any kind of cooking oil  and warm it for cpl of seconds and then use a qtip or cotton ball and put a cpl drops in your ear

    it should make it feel alot better. i hope this helps

    if the pain continues you might want to go the the er

    good luck

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