
I have realy disgusting and disturbing dreams?

by  |  earlier

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they are so horrible and gruesome i am embarrased to talk to people about them, and even mad and embarrased at myself for coming up with such disturbing things in my dreams. what should i do? why is my mind coming up with such terrible, terrifying and disturbing notions?

what can i do to stop bad dreams?




  1. You can email me your dream.  If it's too long for the Yahoo form, send me your email address.  You can send me the dreams privately.  There is probably a perfectly natural explanation for your dreams.  EVERYBODY has sicko dreams.


  2. Wow dude I am so sorry you are having dreams effecting you mind everyday. Honestly no one here can tell you anything that'll help except a psychiatrist. If you are too embarrassed of you dreams to even talk about to people you my friend need a professional. I say with all due respect ofcourse. Good luck and I guess be more selective in what you watch/read in your day because this does effect your dreams.

  3. Sometimes when we get stressed we tend to have bad dreams. Dreams are mostly everything from our day mixed into one scene. A voice you heard for a brief second on tv could appear in your dream. Try reading a relaxing book before bed. If you don't like to read try keeping a journal. I know writing about the days events helps clear my mind. If something is making you angry just write it down and let that be the end of it.  Don't beat yourself up about it, we all have crazy and disturbing dreams.

  4. i once heard the saying that "dreams are the answer to questions your mind doesnt know how to ask." ive had many intense dreams, like you, that i havent spoken of. i always think of that saying and wonder what i could be trying to ask within each dream.... theres nothing wrong with you. i promise. dreams are all unique. try thinking of what your mind is "trying to ask." have fun. :-)

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