
I have recd letter to be in jury by AEC. Can I know more details as I am overseas. I am searching govt jobs?

by Guest56874  |  earlier

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I migrated to Australia in Dec 2003 and became citizen in Feb 2007. I am also looking for govt jobs as I have been Public servant in Indian State. At the moment I am overseas. What is the impact of Electoral Commission letter asking me to be on the jury




  1. You have a valid reason not to report for jury duty.  Inform the Electoral Commission of your activities and reason for absence in the duty so that you will not be declared in contempt.

  2. The letter from the AEC requires you to serve jury duty.  If you refuse you will be declared in contempt of court and face possible fines and imprisonment.  However if you have a valid reason you can be excused from jury duty.  

    A valid reason could include that you're overseas (make sure that you are definitely overseas on the date that you are supposed to report to court), severe illness, severe financial hardship, being unable to be impartial etc.

    There will be a procedure in the letter that you will need to follow - for instance, you may have to respond to the request in writing within a certain number of days in order to be excused.  You will need to do this or else you could be in contempt.

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