
I have received a federal pell grant, how many hours do I have to take to receive the money?

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I have heard aboout half-time, three quarter time, and full time. Can I take nine hours during the summer and still receive my award?




  1. To receive any Federal aid you must be enrolled for at least 6 credit hours or 12 clock hours for the term (half-time).  However, the amount of aid you receive is adjusted accordingly... if you received aid based on full-time status, it will be lowered if you actually register for less hours.

  2. Okay, both of the answers above me are WRONG!!!  

    it is true you have to be at least half time to take out LOANS but not or the Pell.  When you are eligible for the pell you can actually take as little as 1 credit hour and get money (albeit not much).  

    So if you want to get the MAX amount you are eligible for you would need to be enrolled in at least 6 hours (full time) during the summer AND not have used all your Pell eligibly in the two regular semesters prior.  (Meaning you didn't get Pell last fall 07 and spring 08).  If you did, you will have no more Pell eligibility left and have to take out a loan.

  3. Depends how many units you are taking. Financial aid is only given to student who take AT LEAST 6 units (equivalent to 1/2 time). 12 units is considered full-time.

    Make sure how many units you have. For example, if you are only taking 5 units, try to add an easy, additional unit to be eligible for Financial aid.

    To give you an idea: 6 units is 2 classes that are worth 3 units/each (usually GE classes). Upper division classes are usually worth 4 units.

    Hope this helps!

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