
I have received a job offer from ghana?

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I have received a job offer from a company called west africa construction and oil company in ghana (wacogh), they sed they will pay for my fees, tickets and visa, accomodation and have offered a very good package but they are saying to work out in ghana i need an operation license which i need to apply for through another company called

and it will cost $4000, which is about £2000. Can you tell me if this is true that i need an operation license to work in africa? Also has any1 ever heard of the company west africa construction and oil company, this is there website: As they are saying they are a huge comany, and this is there address: Block 8, building 3 North industrial area Accra - Ghana. and the email address they emailed me from was the man says he is called Mr Kofi James. I am really confused and will appreciate your help. Because if it is a scammer i dont want to waste hard earned money.




  1. Try to Google the email (for example, google their email or company name and put it between quotation marks)

    You might find other websites that are saying that it's fake.

    I've seen lots of these kind of emails, and I think it's fake.

  2. I think that this is a scam. I got an offer from Sandton hospital, Accra-Ghana today. I received a contract document to sign. That document stated that I may need work permit to work in Ghana, and thee was a weblink for the procedure. I searched as much as possible to to find out this hospital in the web and it's not listed anywhere. So I loged on to Y answers to ask a same type of question. Now I think this is a scam.

  3. this is a total SCAM...cus the company they ask you to obtain a license from is FAKE....and no such construction and oil company exists in Ghana.

    you need no such license in me cus i am a Ghanaian.

    the site is fake and no such commission exists in Ghana. is a fake version of

  4. simply- they are ******* people try to get money from no one believe them. and the nice thing there secretary dont know how to talk too...

    and now the interpolice from UK in Ghana start watch there Tel- and e-mails....this fancy company guys start the security nationality police watch them in Ghana.

    if you want ? just send to them : **** YOU


  5. it not true that i need an operating licence

  6. Nadia.. this is more than likely a "phising" attempt.  I recommend that you not waste your time and money.

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