
I have recently become a vegetarian and I need some recipes and advice and things to get me started!?

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I have just gone vegetarian as of July 1 and I really need some good recipes to help me kick this off that way I don't end up bottoming out! I have a few problems though...I don't really eat raw vegetables (like carrots, broccoli) I usually eat frozen because I don't like the texture of raw. But I do eat things like bell peppers and things like that. Otherwise if its a cooked vegetable I will eat it. Another problem is: I don't eat cheese, not because I don't do dairy (i'm not vegan) but I just don't like the flavor of cheese so I don't eat it (except in like macoronni or things of that sort) but I don't do american,mozzerela, swiss,blue or anything like that. I DO eat parmasean grated though. Hmmm. other than that I just really need some advice from a vegetarian whose been at it for a while and would really like some easy recipies because Im only 15 and not the greatest cook in the world... and at least one of my parents is not all the way sold out on me going veg so please help me!!!




  1. I'm not a vegetarian, but I do like to eat healthy. I just had a few ideas for you. Maybe try making stir fry, they are super easy. You make rice, then put it in a frying pan and cook it up with whatever else you want like your frozen veggies, soy sauce, or teriyaki sauce. The rice will be very filling too.

    You could make really great salads by putting together some of the veggies you do like raw, then you can make your own crutons by buttering bread and sprinkle on some garlic salt. Put it in the broiler for a few minutes then cut it up. Your salads can include things like the cheeses you do like, apples, mandarin oranges, nuts, etc.

    You could also do grilled sandwiches. Kind of like a grilled cheese sandwich (you can do some really yummy grilled cheeses with all sorts of different types of cheeses and if you add apple or pear slices that can be yummy too) but I also love grilled peanut butter and jelly sandwiches. Just put butter on them and mmmmm! You can also do grilled peanut butter and banana.

    You can do lots of things with noodles too. You can do things like a stir fry with veggies. Of you can make noodles, then put them in a casserole dish with tomato sauce, canned green beans or peas or whatever you like, then bake for 15-20 minutes at 375. I like that type of dish with cheese on top too.

    You could do things in tortilla wraps too. There is the traditional burritos, beans/rice with spices and taco seasoning. But you could also put white rice and your favorite salad dressing in a tortilla with fresh veggies.

    Anyway, those are just a few ideas and now I'm actually pretty hungry after talking about all of that!

  2. If you don't really like vegetables, you shouldn't expect your vegetarianism to last TBH.

    I've been vegetarian for about 12 years. I did well because I didn't like meat anyway and I DID like veg.

    All I can suggest is that frozen veg isn't as good for you as fresh so you might want to try getting a steamer for things like fresh carrots and broccoli as it retains the nutrients but might give you the texture you like.

    And try making the recipes you made with meat, just WITHOUT the meat. Things like chilli, tacos and fajitas, pasta with meat-free sauces and that kind of thing.

  3. Don't make things too hard on yourself by making elaborate meals or you certainly won't keep it up.

    For you, since you like meat I'd suggest morningstar farms veggie protein line up if you're in America or Quorn if you're in Europe or Asia...They're basicaly just frozen immitations of meat like chicken patties, hamburgers, chicken nuggets etc.

    Easy to cook and taste great.

    Even easier are the veggie protein lunch meat style, like Tofurkey and Yves...alot of variety with them, almost any lunch meat you can find, and even pepperoni and they taste great cold or heated.

    The frozen stuff should be easily found in the frozen food section of the supermarket, the lunch meat...either the healthfood section if you got one, or try a health food store.

    For more difficult recipes try vegweb dot com. Tofu is great to cook with, and is good in alot of things.

    Good luck, if your heart is in it and you realy care it isn't hard at all.

  4. You can make veggie soup..all you really need is veggie broth & through if your favorite veggies & maybe some spices like salt or black pepper

    you can also make a vegetarian pasta

    you can boil some noodles & then when there done add ranch & veggies to them it can be a pasta salad!

    You can also make fried rice..Im not exactly sure how you make it but usually I cook some rice & then fry some veggies with soy sauce & add the rice in mixing it with the veggies & soy sauce

    Anyways GoodLuck!

  5. go to, there are lots of recipes

  6. try the immitation meat my favorite brand is boco, we buy it at walmart. they have a few other brands also   also pillsbury and has some great veggie recipies !!

  7. I'm 13 and vegan, but you can go to peta2 .com and get your free veg starter kit, peta2 is really awesome, it give you recipes, and all other sorts of cool stuff!!!

  8. Experiment with spices and seasonings. Try veg versions of your favorite foods ex: tacos/burritos with black beans. Try Quorn products (literally taste so much like chicken it's scary...for use if your mind is still transitioning). Try soy crumbles for spaghetti etc. Also tofu for stuff like stir-fry. Do lots of salads (easy until you find other recipes), smoothies. Cook different beans if you like them and freeze them. Also check out, and They all have quick and easy recipes. Lastly just experiment

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