
I have recently been engaged but I leave in june for the Marines. Any pointers for what I should expect?

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I was just recently engaged and my fiance wants to move to Alabama when I come back from boot, but I'm not too sure how or if I'll be affected by that at all. Will i still be able to live with her? (I'm in DEP)




  1. You can only live with her if you're married. Even if you pay for it out of your own pocket, you are technically not allowed to live outside of the barracks as an unmarried Marine.

    Even if you get married today, you still won't be able to have her live with you until after boot camp, after MCT, and after MOS school.

    However, I strongly recommend you wait on marriage. When you asked for pointers on what to expect, I was going to say, "Yeah, her leaving you while you're in training." It's all-too-common, so don't be surprised when it happens.  

  2. After your training you'll be assigned to wherever the Marines need you. In South Carolina, California or on a naval base or ship somewhere else. It would be more like if your fiancee wanted to see you at all she'd have to move where you are.

  3. Dont count on it.   If the Corps wanted you to have a girlfriend/fiance...they would issue you one!!!

  4. You can only have someone live with you on base if you're married. I was engaged when i left for training and I got married afterwords. If you aren't going to be stationed in Alabama then you can't move there (unless you are reserves). If you do get married she doesnt HAVE TO move in with you, but you'd get base housing allowance and all that fun stuff. If you're reserves all you'd have to do is do a state transfer, which is as simple as filling out one piece of paperwork.

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