
I have recently bought an item on ebay for $135, there was no reserve and the seller is demanding more money?

by  |  earlier

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I bought an item on ebay for 135.. the seller did not set a reserve and I won the Item. He is now demanding $300 more from me for him to give me the item. What are my options here? I want the item for what I paid for. Is ebay just going to give me my money back if I follow a report, or is there a way I could still get the item for what I paid




  1. Report it to Ebay, they should resolve this by contacting the seller, either getting you a refund or by making him sell for the $135 you paid.

  2. long as there was no reserve you should be allowed to get the item for the price purchased and if you do not if he refuses then he could end up losing his account

  3. tell him you're going to report him to ebay as a non preforming seller. if he gets 3 of these he'll get deleted.

    You do not have to pay him anything more. He must send you the item or get hit with the strike.

    can you give me a link or item #?

  4. I sense from your question, that you've already sent the $135 to this seller. You need to contact eBay immediately and report the seller for improper and probably illegal conduct. Your main concern should now be towards getting your money back. Given the actions of the seller, regardless of how badly you wanted the item, do you really think you can trust this individual to send you the item in first rate, as-advertised condition?? I would not take that chance. Get your money back if you've sent any, report the thief, and walk away.

  5. yes tell ebay and you will get ur money back and some of his for lying and not giving it to you. or just dont pay that idiot

  6. If you file a report with Ebay you'll likely just get a refund and the sellers account will likely be suspended so if you really want the item for the price you bid you'll have to try resolving the issue with the seller. Personally I would send an email using some quotes directly from the Ebay Seller Non-Perfomance Policy such as "When a seller lists an item and a buyer purchases it, the seller and buyer have entered into a contract that both members are expected to honor". Also tell them you plan to report this issue to ebay if they don't follow through with their end of the contract. If that doesn't work the best you can do is report them you'll likely get a refund and they will likely have their account suspended.

  7. Contact eBay right away! He has to accept the $135. Don't pay more, a bid is a contract.

  8. Contact ebay immediately.  That is against their rules. You have to get the item for the winning bid.  The seller will lose their ebay rights.

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