
I have recently bought tiger's eye and it seems that the colour has changed to a blue/red colour, why is this?

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Haha, sure it isn't a mood stone.

It looked like a tiger's eye stone when i got it.




  1. Hawk's Eye is a blue version of Tiger's Eye.

  2. I don't know anything about tiger's I googled it for you . Maybe this will explain the blue/red color.

    From Wiki...

    This article is about the gemstone. For the characters in the Sailor Moon series, see Amazon Trio

    Tiger's eye (also Tigers eye, Tiger eye) is a chatoyant gemstone that is usually yellow- to red-brown, with a silky luster. It is a fibrous silicified crocidolite (blue asbestos), a classic example of pseudomorphous replacement. An incompletely silicified blue variant is called Hawk's eye. A member of the quartz group, its physical and optical properties are identical or very near to those of single-crystal quartz.

  3. often shops sell ''gems'' or ''crystals'' (eg, tigers eye) which are actually glass, or some other material, dyed or painted or heat-treated to change their colour.

    is it possible that this could be a fake?

  4. Are you sure it isn't a mood stone?

    Tiger's eye is a yellowish-brown to reddish-brown gemstone that has a silky luster. This gemstone has bands of yellow and brown; when viewed from the opposite direction, the colors are reversed. Tiger's eye is usually highly polished and set as a cabochon (or cut as a bead) to display the stone's chatoyancy (light reflected in thin bands within the stone). Tiger's eye is a type of chatoyant quartz with fibrous inclusions (especially crocidolite). This stone is sometimes heat-treated. Tiger's eye has a hardness of 7.0. Most tiger's eye is mined in South Africa, but it is also found in Australia, Brazil, Burma (Myanmar), India, Namibia, Sri Lanka (Ceylon), and the USA. Green-grey varieties of this stones are called cat's-eye quartz. Blue-grey to bluish varieties are called hawk's-eye. Deep brown varieties of this stone are called bull's-eye or ox-eye.

  5. hey, Mr Grounded... did you know that the chatoyance... er, the shimmering light effect in your tiger's eye comes from strands of a different material to the quartz that makes up most of the stone?  its called crocidolite... and its basically ASBESTOS!

    muah ha ha ha ha ha <cough>

    actually, tiger's eye was used a long time ago as lining for brake shoes.

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