
I have recently discovered evidence of cloning?

by  |  earlier

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I recently came across the news that a scientist in Korea claims to have successfully cloned a dog. But it will not give me any information on how the process took place. (like how he did it) Does anyone here know where I can find that kind of information or does anyone here have that information and willing to share it?

I'm just very curious as to how it all took place and was performed.

I appreciate it very much.




  1. The process is called "Somatic Cell Nuclear Transfer" (SCNT), and there are lots of online articles describing it.

    Dolly the sheep was the first cloned mammal - and she was born in 1996.

    Try wikipedia for a decent primer.

  2. A)  sounds like the discredited scientist.

    B) did you read the yahoo news?

  3. Well, cloning is basically just taking the nucleus out of a cell of a grown adult (which contains the genetic information), and implanting it into a single cell embryo. The embryo will develop using the genetic information from the adult. So when the embryo grows to an adult, all of its cells contain the implanted genectic information. If you want a really full understanding try reading this article:

  4. REALLY? wow i have no idea sry. send me back your answer =)

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