
I have recently started shaving below but cant stop getting spots from where the hairs are growing back...?

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What should i do? How can i sop these spots, im too scared to get it waxed off, help!




  1. make sure youre using enough shaving foam or gel and that the blades are sharp you could rub in baby oil straight into the wet shaved skin... keep the skin moisturised untill the next time you should help

  2. dettol cream.

  3. The area will get used to it!

    When shaving dampen skin with a hot cloth and also always use shaving foam or gel!

    Keep skin moisturised! always use good razors.

  4. wen u shave dwn there ur opening the poars wen using hot water the spots r a result of soap trapped in thm. u need 2 rinse this area WELL and do it quite a few times

  5. I always shave AFTER a hot bath / shower, this softens up the skin for shaving. Always shave in one direction, that is not against the grain. A little bit of shaving gel in addition to the shaving foam is a good idea.

  6. in the shower

  7. sounds like ingrowing hair. i always get them, what a palava!! you need to exfoliate down there with exfoliating gloves or an exfoliating shower gel. its basically because your skin is getting stronger and the hairs cant get through and so curl sort of inward, therefore exfoliating thins the skin to make it easier for them to come through. there is a cream you can get too, from boots. you can kind of pick them like a spot with tweezers but disinfect after as it could risk getting an infetion and then you ll need an operation! dont panic though, its unlikely. its better to wax otherwise(you do still risk getting ingrowns still though, bit less though)

  8. Hun I get down there wax it is well worth it has it only needs done once a month its a bit painful the first few times but you get used to it

  9. that happens to me too

    its actually ingrown hairs

    so what i do is use naughty nads ingrown hair remover it costs about $15 and last for ages

    i would definately reccommend it


    hope i helped

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