
I have receved the following letter,is all this true, if not, guide me to take some action against this.? - fr

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30/32 Pool Street

Caernarfon Liverpool

LL55 2AS United Kingdom


Tel: +44 704 576 1273

Fax: +44 700 571 0691


In response to your email, find below our account officer's local account details where you should deposite the charges in your Country (India).Note you have to pay in your currency (Indian Rupees):

NAME:Bijen Mukherjee.

A/C NO:30316984845.

BANK NAME:State Bank Of India.

New Delhi.

You should deposit 620 Pounds (48,300 INR) into the above account and send a copy of the payment slip to us through email for confirmation. Once the payment is confirmed by us within 24hours your funds will be transfered to your designated account.

It is advised that you act accordingly.

We anticipate your urgent response.






Yahoo Awards Claim Center

11-13 Victoria Street Liverpool

L2 5QQ United Kingdom.

Tel: +44 702 404 5580

Good Day Bhanupratap Nayak,

Be informed that you award certificate is ready and i have submitted the original hard copy to the bank,find the scanned copy attached to this email for you persued.

Once again congratulations!!.


Dr.Brad Lupay

Rise to the challenge for Sport Relief with Yahoo! for Good

Bhanupratap Nayak Award Certificate.JPG

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  1. don't be stupid.....

    It's false...

    But does that prevent idiots from sending their money away? probably not....

    I give you credit for checking into it first....

    Best action is.

    1. "mark it as spam" in yahoo (This should register this email in yahoo's database as spam) and hopefully they will delete all email on their server from that very same source)

    2nd.  if you have lot of time. contact your local authority and have them take over from there.

  2. SCAM!

  3. For your information dadwith4, most scams and spam originate in  USA, Nigeria, Russia, Israel, UK and Holland in that order, I use spam software that can trace origins of emails

  4. scam anything from the UK is a scam. They tell you won some lottery or your e-mail address came up and you wont a billion dollors, they want your checking account number and want a fee before they send you a check...

  5. Scam. If I remember correctly Liverpools city code is 151 and the UK doesn"t have any city codes in the 700's.

  6. its called a scam.  just delete it and forget about it.

  7. Well I get 20 of those letters a week from all over the world.  It is a nuisance but all you can do is report it as SPAM because that is what it is.  Just keep doing that.  Everyone on Yahoo and elsewhere is aware of it.

    Welcome to the downside of cyberspace....

  8. SPAM dump it or report it to your mail carrier or both!

  9. Not much action you can take, I get on the average 3-4 of those a day in my email. Just mark them as spam.

  10. 419 scam. For more detailed information, some of it rather amusing, visit

    This is a bog standard 'we will give you a billion trillion kabillion million dollars, if you first deposit $32,226 US dollars in to our 'escrow' bank account first' - and then we take your $32,226 US dollars and live happily on beer and chicks for the next 12 years in nigeria.

  11. I am from Scotland this is a scam and so many people receive these letters or emails please delete delete do not be taken in.

  12. Is Human Rights Watch funded by Mossad ? MI 6 ? or by CIA ?

    I just read this article, and I checked HRW website, It  is NOT covering Human Rights violations in UK and US and Israel as vigorous as to other countries.

    Is Human Rights Watch Caving to the Israeli Lobby?

  13. It's a scam goto the links below. You don't get nothing for nothing. BEWARE 419's

    And it's not from the uk. It was sent from Calcutta using several hubs & routers

  14. It is a scam and you can be charged with a felony if found by the authorities. Don't do it. I just delete these. I get about 2 per week in my emai, i try to mark them as spam but they keep sending them with different emails, so I just delete them.

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