
I have reli dry skin. i dont know wat 2 do at this stage it is getting sooo bad! i use exfoliation ...?

by  |  earlier

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scrub but it makes no difference and a reli gud moisturiser but no matter wat it still stays dry and u can c it and it's disgusting plase help me! x




  1. Try a lotion with a high aloe vera content as that is supposed to be very moisturizing. You can also buy pure aloe vera.  (It'll ususally look like a gel, like the stuff you would put on a burn.  It'll basically drench your skin in moisture so put it on before you go to bed and if you shower at night and put it on after that would be best although you may have to shower again in the morning)

    Make sure when you exfoliate you aren't being too harsh on your skin, it'll just make it more irritated.  Use a gentle scrub like St. Ives and use gentle pressure.  always put a good lotion on after the shower.

    If you're already doing all this and more and nothing is working, it might be time to ask your parents if you can see a dermatologist.  If you have a chronic skin condition they can be the biggest help.

  2. Is your skin dry or do you just have dry visible patches which peel off?

    Well, if you have really dry skin, you could replace moisturiser with an oil. They are some excellent oils you can put on your skin in the evening, before sleeping. They will moisturise your skin and also are full of vitamins.

    You can try a rosehip oil. Just spread it on a clean face instead of night cream.

    Some other oils good for dry skin are macadamia, jojoba, olive, sweet almond, apricot.

    Make sure you drink a lot of water and avoid coffee and smoking.

    If you have dry skin peeling off, it might be exzema. I got rid of mine by eliminating dairy from my diet.

    I could advice more if I knew what you are eating, what is your life style and what cosmetics you use.

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