
I have ruined my life? my future is bleak?

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i did medical science 1st year at university in order to get into pharmacy the next year if i optained 70% marks or over. Unfortunatley i didnt get it. I thought long and hard and theres really no future in medical science and pharmacy was something i have always wanted to do. I really messed up this year and i regret it so much, i was thinking of taking a gap year then doing medical science again from scratch 1st year in hope of getting into pharmacy, but then i was told that i cant repeat first year i wont be able to get in to pharmacy, my family are so dispointed in me, my mother called me a big fat 0 and that i will never get married and that i am good for nothing, i know that even if i expalined this situation to the head of phramcy at my university i still wont be able to get in, i dont know what to do, i feel so low for the first time in my life, there are no doors open for me and for the first time in my life i am having suicidal thoughts, my father is so sad with me and its breaking my heart, is there anyway i could get into pharmacy? i am almost giving up on life, someone please help me




  1. I'm sure that you are not the only to have ever failed that exam.  Go and speak to someone at your uni...maybe your tutor or career adviser, that's what they are there for.

    Your parents do sound a but harsh though!

  2. It's quite possible that you can't get into pharmacy, but talk to your academic advisor or to the head of the department, and see if they know of any alternate routes you can take into pharmacy.

    But if that doesn't work out for you, don't let it stop you from going on. There are so many other things that you can do, perhaps even something related to medicine. Speak to your advisor about what other options are open to you at university with your grades. Is there anything related to medicine that might work?

    If your grades are too low for the other medical fields as well, pause a moment. Think about what other things you can do. What other courses you might like. What other paths you might take, perhaps something related to science or one of  your other strengths. Could you major in biology, or chemistry, and end up working in a lab or teaching? I can think of quite a few possible paths for you, but only you can determine which one is right.

    You may also want to see a counsellor at your school's health services. Sometimes, especially with so much family pressure, it can help to talk to someone who is not involved, and who can listen and help you figure out the things that are right for you to do.  

  3. your family are *nobs they should support you, did you try your best?

    who told you that you cant repeat? find out from the univerisity, go and see the careers people their, its what they are their for.

  4. Don't worry. you could try get another job like doctor or something else.

  5. You haven't ruined your life and your future isn't bleak.  

    You need to firstly go to your university and ask for advice on what to do. Despite what you say, you may be able to retake the first year, and you then need to really buckle down to study and get the good marks.

    Alternatively, you should consider other careers in related fields. Again, your university should be able to help.  

  6. For goodness sake girl get a grip its only a job not the end of the world.

    Have a word with the head of pharamcy when you can. you might have to change direction with a career but it does not make you a failure. You do not have to be a success for your parents to love you, love should be unconditional not given when you have done something great. Believe me in 5 years time you will look back on this and wonder what all the fuss is about.

    Its a big world out there, enjoy.


  7. Take a year out, weigh up all your options and start again in a year. Go through UCAS and apply to do pharmacy or your medical science course somewhere else. I you don't get in how about something chemistry based or nursing or radiology? There is always a way and if you want it bad enough you'll get there! I'd maybe apply to universities away from home, your family don't seem to be giving you any support. Remember in life things don't always go to plan, take your last year as an experience and learn from your mistakes. Good luck, it's not as bad as you think. Give it a few weeks to calm down and think it through and you'll realise that its not the end of the world x

  8. feel bad for you but things aren't as bad as they seem. There will be avenues open to you. Even if you don't get into pharmacy there are millions of things you can do. This event will force to re evaluate your life and make big decisions but in years to come you may look back to this time as a blessing in disguise. It's not as bad as you think its is!

  9. Okay, first of all NEVER GIVE UP, you can always get where you want to be, you just have to fight for it sometimes!  Don't listen to your parents, they still love you even if they're disappointed, they won't be mad at you for long.  My dad is the same, if I disappoint him he calls me a big 0 too, but he gets over it.  

    If I were you I would go straight to the head of Pharmacy and tell him your situation and explain how passionate you are about doing Pharmacy.  Ask him if you could retake the year, if he still says no then ask him if they're any other options open for you.  If there is a careers advisor at your university, go and speak to them too.  Also, contact other universities that do Pharmacy and ask them if it is possible to apply there.  Stay optimistic and really sell yourself to these unis.  Even if you have to repeat the year it is still worth it.  I'm 21 and I'm starting university this september because I had to withdraw from my course last year as I was so unhappy with it.

  10. I don't really know what advice to give you, but I am sorry you feel so bad.  I am sure there is a way round your problem if you ask around - maybe changing to a different university and doing a slightly different course ?  Try looking on a hospital website or careers website and see if you can get any ideas from there.  I hope things work out for you.

  11. your life isn't ruined.. try and go into being a doctor and you mother... not supportive

  12. I'm really sorry to hear you're having such a hard time at the moment, and your parents are totally out of order to be calling you names like that just because you can't get into pharmacy.  From what you have said it sounds like the main reason you want to take that subject is because your parents want you to - but they have to realise that this is your life, not theirs.  Medical science is a really good subject to be studying and a degree in this subject gives you plenty of career options, indeed you could well go on to study for a PhD.  If I were you I would definitely continue with the degree course, just knuckle right down and do the best you can.  That's all anyone can ask of you.  And if the pharmacy course really is the be all and end all then perhaps you could investigate the possibility of masters degrees in this subject for when you have finished your medical science degree.  There are certainly many exciting options for you in the future so try not to feel too low - you've done really well to get into university and come through the first year so don't let all that excellent work go to waste!

  13. Perhaps you could think about research? There are lots of openings for science type people.

    Your parents are just disaapointed - tell them you're upset enough without their comments and maybe try to stay with some friends for a few days to clear the air.

    Talk to your  careers advisor and see what your options are.

    You are not lost, you just need to look at the map again and you will find a better path. All things happen for a reason.

    Try picking  up a copy of New Scientist magazine, the back half is full of different jobs, see if any look like the sort of thing  you could work towards and see what you need to do to get you there. Maybe marine biology? Perhaps environmental science.  Perhaps YOU are the one who will help us out of this mess....

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