
I have samsung katalayst t mobile in usa but i need use to south india what can i do?

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I have samsung katalayst t mobile in usa but i need use to south india what can i do?




  1. Call T-mobile and get your phone unlocked. They may provide you with a unlock code. You may have to enter the code when you insert the indian sim card. I have done this in the past with other t-mobile phones.

  2. Most of the Mobile Phones being sold in USA are not adaptable for use in other countries. Please check up whether your phone is adaptable for use in India. you can make the same adaptable by requesting the shop from where you have bought the phone.

  3. change the chip if you can other wise it works in usa only

  4. Buy a calling card...?!


  5. All Mobile Phones being sold in USA are not adaptable for use in other countries.  Please check up whether your phone is adaptable for use in India. Otherwise you can make the same adaptable by requesting the shop from where you have bought the phone by inserting some chip..

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