
I have satallite and I recorded a show but when I go to watch it, it says Would you like to delete this?

by  |  earlier

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All of the recordings we have had on our recorded list still show, but when I go to watch a new show from the office that I recorded it won't let me, it just asks if you "would you like to delete this episode?" And I knew I recorded it because it tells you the legnth or recording time, and it was long enough cause' sometimes stuff recordes for like, a second or two but still shows up as recorded. Help!!!




  1. Kind of out of my league here, b/c I don't know what DVR you are using... but I'll take a shot in the dark...

    Is there an option to "Restart From Beginning" or something like that when you go to play the show?  What may be happening is that for some reason it's just hanging at the end of the program.  It's happened to me once with my DVR.

  2. That happens to me sometimes.  If I hit the rewind button, it ususally goes back.  On rare occasion, the satallite went out during the show and didn't actually record anything.

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