
I have scenario at my job. pls advise?

by  |  earlier

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iam a supervisor heading a department in a service organisation, i have a scenario where in one of the very young guy is banging a lady in her mid 30s, after office hours,well its outside office, both are from my dept, the guy is very young probably his first job & the lady is a mother of 2 kids, her husband is always travelling, now the rest of the staff too know about it or atleast they have a hint, would it be fair enough to just overlook all these & just focus on the job or do you think it would somehow affect me or my dept in future, any manager around who have been thru this pls advise?i got to know abt this thru a source who is someone i trust a lot.




  1. As long as they are not going out together and representing your company in an inappropriate way or humping in the closet at work I would not worry about it.  You probably have a massive amount to do and do not need to micro manage your staff on top of every thing else.  If employees are becoming too distracted (I have worked managing a service organization and why are there so many dramas ha ha) you might pull them aside one at a time and tell them to keep it out of the work place.  

  2. Unless it affects their work their own time is private.

    Ignore it.

    Nothing to do with you.

  3. Unless their "banging" (as you so grossly put it) is affecting their work habits then it is not your place to mention anything about this to anyone.  You are their manager, not their parents and it is not appropriate for you to be judging your staff members for what they do in their own time.  

  4. You should tell both of them that the office isn't where s*x should be done.  If they absolutely have to do such behavior, they should go to a motel or other place.  You are in a position that if you let it continue, you could be held accountable if they break up and one files charges for sexual harassment.  You, having known about it, could be also charged and your job ruined.  Tell them to go some place else to have s*x.

  5. Stay out of it. As long as they do their job it's none of your business. I can see it say something to one or both of them, they go to your boss and he fires you. Explain that to your wife, kids, mortage company.

  6. I think you should keep an eye on the situation. At the end of the day, if it's not affecting their work and they are seeing one another outside of office hours, it's beyond your control. If you feel it is impinging on their performance or other's performance, then you may need to talk to them both, separately, to ask them to be more discreet and professional.  

  7. You need to confront them both and ask if it is true as it may harm the department if it all goes wrong...

    This covers you if your department has a problem.

    If they lie and say there is nothing you can say you believe them or if they say yes then you can keep an eye on them but you cant stop them shagging

  8. As long as their office work is not in question you have no right to their private life. What happens outside office hours is not your jurisdiction

  9. Sorry but if its out of business hours, its up to them what they do. You have no power over them, so just let it be....

  10. does your company have a policy on interoffice dating? If so, you could call both into the office and remind them of the policy. Perhaps if they are aware that other people have caught on to their relationship, they might feel embarrassed and stop. Especially since one of the parties invloved is committing adultry.  

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