
I have schizophrenia, will I end up homeless?

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My parents can not support me forever. I can't work because I'm in school and it's just too much stress. I have no family other than my parents and no friends to rely on if things get bad. There's no homeless shelters and no hospitals around here. Even if there was I would get abused in the hospital by other patients and workers. Should I just kill myself and go to h**l or stick it out and see what happens? Even normal people are deeply concerned about their finances in today's economy. Should I quit college and get a job? I'm worried about even making it through college and wouldn't it be a waste anyway since I'm disadvantaged in the workforce?




  1. If you continue taking your meds, assuming you are on some, you should be just fine.  If you arent on meds, go to the doctor, and get treatment.

    You also may have to move to a bigger city when you get out of school, and get a job, that way you can have access to better healthcare.

  2. ok 1st of all dont commit suicide ...

    ur family wil feel soo hurt DONT DO THT

    umm get a part time job after college hr maybe even in college like the book store  or a local cafe

    just stick it through everythin will b fine  

  3. I can tell that you are really scared but you really don't have to worry about this!  You will not be in school forever and when you are done you can work just like everybody else.  There are tons of medications that can help you and more are being studied everyday.  Normal people may be worried about their finances but normal people do not qualify for the programs that you will qualify for if you ever need them.  There are lots of support networks you can take advantage of, including support groups, see if you can find one to belong too.  Don't quit college, your education will be a definite asset.  Certainly don't kill yourself - you are going to be fine.  Hang in there and ask for help if you need it.  

  4. calm down stick through it

  5. No, dear, you should not kill yourself. It would hurt your parents so badly. Here is what you do: if you are in the USA you can apply for Social Security Disability and also subsidized housing. I admire you for going to college. I know it can't be easy with the illness you have. Education is not a will help you someday. Try to focus on just the task at hand and not worry so much about the future. Best wishes to you....take care.

  6. You don't know what is ahead .  You know that right now that your parents love you.   If you ended your life you would hurt them deeply.  While they are alive, love them by letting them love you and staying alive to love them.  Who knows what lies ahead ?  We all could die in a nuclear war next year - so make this year the best you can for your parents - live to let them love you.  Maybe they only have a few years left - let those years be happy for them by being with them.   Who knows what person may come into your life and love you and take care of you if you try to be the best you can be and try to love the people that God puts in your life.  Live the best you can today - no one is guaranteed a long life -  maybe you only have  5 years to live before you die in a car accident or disease - so make someone happy TODAY.   God will not be outdone in goodness - give of yourself and know that God will reward you in eternity and maybe even in THIS world.  I had something bad happen 26 years ago and I have wanted to die since then - but I just kept going on for my family and I think that my presence has been a good thing in their lives even if it's just to teach them not to give up when you'd rather give up.  Put your trust in God and try to love the best you can.

  7. Lots of support for all mental illness. You must seek them out and you must want to get better. Do your best in being a productive member of society!

    Best of luck and please don't ever waste time wallowing in self pity!

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