
I have scoliosis and my spine is 4 degrees of . I am in pain because I run and bike a lot. What can I do? ?

by Guest58215  |  earlier

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It has developed in one year. I f it gets to 7 I will have to wear a brace or have surgery.




  1. Curves under 10 degrees are considered to be within normal human range so I doubt that your curve is causing your back pain.  I'd suggest seeing your family doctor for an exam.  If (s)he thinks you need to see a specialist, get a referral.

    I'd bet, though, that you are told to take a couple advil or tylenol and use a heating pad.  So, you might want to try these first to see if they work and if they don't, you'll be able to tell your doctor that you've done those things already.

    Another thing to check is your quads and hamstrings.  In other words, make sure that your muscles aren't tight and causing pain.

  2. i had slight scoliosis i went to a chiropractor even though i still have a slight curvature the pain is gone.

    then i figured out i have spinabifida colta which they can do nothin about??

  3. In most cases, scoliosis is not painful. Your scoliosis is so slight, that you should definitely have your doctor look at. Back pain can be lessened with physical therapy, massage, and exercises, including yoga. These help strengthen the back muscles. They are not a cure for scoliosis and will not be able to correct the abnormal curve.

    As for treatment, there are three main categories of treatment: observation, bracing, and surgery. If your curve stays below 25 degrees, no treatment other than observation is needed. If the curve gets between 25-40 degrees, a brace may be recommended. If the curve is >40 degrees, then surgery may be recommended.

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