
I have second degree sunburn on my long will it take to heal?

by  |  earlier

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I went to the beach and didn't think i had to use any sunscreen it wasn't that sunny out. Boy was i wrong. That night i went out with my friends but i was very red. The next day i woke up and had huge blisters all over my face and only my face. I went to the dermatologist and he said i had second degree burn and gave me a gentle wash and ointment. I was in so much pain i took tylenol.. it helped for a little. But i couldn't believe my face.... it's the 3rd day and it doesn't hurt anymore but it's bubbly and yellow and still crusty.. how long do you think it will heal .. i have school pictures in 3 days !!




  1. I would say about 2 wks to heal. Skip the school pics and do the make ups later on because it won't heal by then. Don't put anything on your face besides what the doctor gave you or else it will get worse.

    I had it bad on my back.  

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