
I have seen a picture in our computer of a girl massaging a man, does my husband cheating on me?

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I have seen a picture in our computer of a girl massaging a man, does my husband cheating on me?




  1. even if it is a nude massage he is not cheating on you.

  2. Is it your husband on the pic? Then: yes.

    But as long as he isn't... then it's just an erotic picture to him.

    If that is cheating or not is up to the standards you have. In my relationship, I do not consider it to be cheating. My husband watches p**n, and so do i. For me it's cheating if he really has erotic/sexual contact with other women.

    For you this might be different. If you feel bad about it, talk to him. See if you can come to the point of understanding each other and agreeing with each other.

    If I where you, I wouldn't worry too much about it. Most men watch erotic images or p**n, without doing any harm to their relationships.  

  3. it depends on whether or not the man getting a massage is your hubby!!

  4. I don't understand your thinking.

  5. You need to learn some computer skills sweety.

    Go from there.

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