
I have sent an e-mail to the Japanese embassy asking them to stop killing whales, have you ?

by  |  earlier

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Is Killing over 1000 whales and calling it a scientific survey what you want ?

Have you 2 minutes to spare to politely and peacefully request it to stop ?

Its your decision, its your 2 minutes !

No racism please. this is about whales, not a culture!




  1. No, I haven't.

  2. I sent an email to castro telling him to stop having cancer. It wont work, dont waste your time.

  3. the last time i heard of it.its not a science experiment,there just killing them.

  4. No, I have too many other urgent issues to take care of; like supporting my family and making a decision about who I will support in November.

  5. Agreed.

    It is deplorable that the second richest nation in the world is killing the largest animals that ever lived. If they were doing it to survive although bad at least there would be a reason behind it, as it is they do it just because.

    I have a personal embargo on all things "Made in Japan" for a decade now. Have not bought nor do I intend to buy anything "Made in Japan" until they stop doing that. I know it does nothing to the mighty Japanese economy but it makes ME feel good.


  6. No I havent.

    Maybe we should send e-mails to our own country's government & ask them to stop killing people, before we worry about the japanese killing whales....

    But thats just me, if you feel like a better person, keep on truckin with the letters!

  7. No, and I do not intend to do so either.

  8. no,why would i? that is there culture.i like eating all kinds of mammals.doesn't peta stand for people  eating tasty animals? yum yum,give me meat. i think i'll invite ole' huck for a squirrel fry.

  9. No I haven't. Because I recognize that nearly all of the whales to be culled are Minke whales who are bottom feeders and destroy a great many fish stocks while those fish are maturing to an age where they can reproduce. It's why the Norwegians hunt Minke whales as well. The Minke has devastated part of the fishery off Atlantic Canada. There are too many of them, so a cull is in order.

  10. NO!

  11. I can't write in Japanese.

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