
I have serious BF issues... HELP?

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Okay, so my name is Kiki and I hooked up with the hottie of the school... and i caught him making out (passionately) with my best friend jamie. if i would have known he would cheat on me like this, i wouldnt have gone as far as i did with him. he wants to hook up again and i really want too... but im scared he'll do the same thing again... WHAT DO I DO? oh btw im 16.




  1. umm wow that's great i don't hook uo with random ppl that im not dating, so  id say no

  2. I'd say let him go, because it wasn't just some random girl you found him with, it was your best friend. I know everyone makes mistakes and deserves a second chance, but your best friend? That's seriously messed up, and as your best friend she shouldn't have done it either, if she knew how much you cared about him she should have never done it. Do whatever you feel is right, if you truly believe he won't cheat again, then give him a chance, but if you doubt him and believe he will hurt you all over again, just try to move on.

  3. he's playin the fence!!!!!!!! trust me there are a lot better guys out there! you deserve better than that!!!! I have the same problem with girls at times :)

  4. He WILL do the same thing again because he can and you and your friend will keep lining up to take your turn along with all the other girls who he has "hooked up with".

    He doesn't love you, he told you that so you would "hook up with hiom".

    He doesn't love your friend either or he wouldn't be trying to hook up with you again.

    He is a cheater.

    Now what happens when you and your friend end  up pregnant and he dumps you both?

    It is time to flush your "feelings" down the toilet and think like an adult right now hon.

    If you were say 32 and had a 16 yr old daughter who just asked YOU the SAME question you asked US, what would YOUR answer be to her?

    Be honest,because that will be YOUR answer also and it is the right one.Doing the right thing hurts,but you have to start making decisions with your head, not your heart and NOT your hormones.

  5. LOVE? your 16 omg you LOVE everyone hook up as in s*x[ing] him then you know fxck him and your "best friend"

  6. ditch him he'll just do it again 'once a cheat always a cheat' you could find someone better  

  7. i hate these situation....been in them!

    If you really think hes changed give it a shot but beaware of a possible broken heart coming your way!

    if he hasnt changed enough : close the path and let him find someone else!!

    follow your heart<33 on this one not yahoos hearts<3

  8. Once a cheat always a cheat GET RIDD!

  9. if he cheated on u once

    he'll cheat on u again

  10. he didnt cheat on u,

    h/u doesnt mean ur in relation ship,

    ur over reacting,

    ur best friends a b*tch tho,

    she shouldnt of h/u with someone she knew u liked.  

  11. ditch him, easier said than done. but ive gone through that too, ha. definitely not worth it.

  12. he cheats on u once - it's his fault

    he cheats on u twice - it's yours

  13. It doesn't matter how sweet he is or was. He is not worth your time. He should have known better and treated you better with love and respect. You should teach him a lesson - that your not some vending machine he could come snack on anytime he wants. Not that you've seen the real him and what he is capable of do not take him back. You can do better. I know people do make mistakes but if he really cared he wouldn't of done that at all. If you do take him back you will probably get hurt again and he will take advantage of you.  

  14. hook up with his friend

  15. He's not worth it if he'll cheat and break your heart.

    If I were you I wouldn't hook up with him ever again

  16. ditchhhhh him girl. he isn't worth your time! don't give him the idea of "he can get you whenever he wants". Let him look like the idiot when he tries to get you back.

    I would ditch your "best friend" too. She DEFINATLY isn't worth it...what a *****!

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