
I have serious problems with my brother. HELP!!?

by  |  earlier

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Me and my brother have serious sibling rivalry issues, because he is such a mommy's boy. He is CONSTANTLY kissing her and holding her hand, making her lunch, he calls her 6 + times a day. HES 15!!!

And if thats not bad enough he gets majorly jealous whenever i try to talk to her. And he tells her everything i ever do wrong and she screams at me all the time. I have only heard her yell at him twice in my life. How do i get him to let go alittle?




  1. there is 2 ways 1 is nice the other not so nice.

    nice way:

    tell him that if he doesn't get a life and go find himself a girl he will be stuck living at home with his mom, and that when he is told to move out he'll have nowhere to go.

    mean way (i used this one on my brother and it worked, he was 14):

    tell all his friends at school that he is a mama's boy and eventually he will get tired of the title mama's boy that he will do anything to get rid of it, such as avoiding his mom.  (unless he is proud of it)

    there is a slight chance that he will hate you until the names go away

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