
I have several cats, and one of them has recently become an outcast. will my cats ever get along again/?

by  |  earlier

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this is a mature male cat. there are other mature males in the house, but this is a very recent problem (within the last 3 days) there are no females in heat, and nothign for them to really be fighting over. Will this eventually pass? Will neutering fix the situation?




  1. Watching your cats is like a soap opera....i have a total of 7 cats and its always drama with them.... I usually have one thats n outcast but then friends again....and then other ones are like boyfriend/girlfriend then dump eachother and go with someone else...its oddly strange but they are like human...and just make close bonds to certain other cats and what not.. just let them be...sooner or later the outcast will be back in the group again they just need time to form bonds. As long as you give them equal attention and show they are all accepted they are good.

    I hope I helped a little. And just enjoy the cat soap cn be pretty amuzing. lol

  2. i have 3 cats. 2 are sisters, and one of them had babies. we kept  one, a male, and this is our third cat. after a year he became an outcast from the other 2 because he was annoying and always wanted to play, and he also became a favorite to me because he is so affectionate. try to equal all your attentions if possible, and do not force anything. cats get agitated if they are kept together with a cat they don't get along with. just give it lots of time, and when they have random good times, praise them and make that time special (try treats or wet food). however, as long as it doesn't become violent, there isn't much to worry about. just make sure the outcast is not neglected, and if the cats never seem to reconcile, be that cats only friend.

  3. Neutering might help but I wouldn't spend all that money right away. It is probably a territorial thing they will work it out.

  4. If all your males are intact then yes, this is a very real problem, it's territorial and your females don't have to necessarily show signs to you of being in heat before the guys will start fighting for the top cat position.

    It won't pass unless you get them fixed.  And I hope you do it soon, because once they do make an outcast of one in your multi-cat family it can be very difficult even after they have been fixed, to work up not only the confidence of the cat that has been being picked on and get it back to normal, but to get the other cats to leave him alone.

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