
I have severe ear pain that's driving me crazy!?

by  |  earlier

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I've had this for the past 3 days and at first it was almost all day and I would have to take pain relievers every 4 hours. Now it's milder during the day, but unbearable at night. I'm almost in tears because of it! Every night I have to take more pain relievers than recommended just to get enough relief to sleep. I don't have a fever or a cold, so I am wondering if it's an ear infection or not. I sleep on a heating pad and that helps somewhat, but the pain is much worse when I lie down. HELP!




  1. cut it off like snape did to george.

    then go around calling yourself saint-like, or "holey"


    take out your headphones.  

  2. GO TO THE HOSPITAL!!!, my ear usually hurt when water is inside. Don't listen to music, they were the cause of my ear pain, but it's now gone. i hope your eardrum isn't torn, because when it's torn, my friend told me that can cause serious pain and you become deaf. I really don't know, go see the doctor, maybe the things that my friend told me was false, seriously see a doctor, the pain isn't worth it

  3. It is an ear infection and I'm afraid you will need antibiotics. Don't hesitate to be treated because chroic ear infections can result in hearing loss.

    Get well quick!

  4. Maybe you have swimmers ear. thats what happend to me. or maybe it just is an ear infection. Go to the doctor!

  5. if you have been in pain for that long, I would suggest going to a doctor. I know that's probably not what you want to hear, but you need to take care of yourself, especially when there is pain near your brain. your doc could give you antibiotics if it's an infection. sometimes people get earaches when they have pain in their jaw/ teeth. Just a thought...but go to the doc to be sure of what it is.

  6. I had the same problem for 50 years.  It ended the day my dear husband passed away.

    Bless his soul.

  7. I agree this is an ear infection. I have them many times. Go to your Dr; I have lost a small percentage of my hearing do to an ear infection. Your health is nothing to play with,

  8. Sure sounds like an ear infection.  Go see a doctor first thing.  If it is an infection antibiotics should start clearing it up pretty quickly.

    Either way you need to see a doctor about it.

  9. You need to see a doctor. You may have an ear infection. Try putting any oil like cooking oil warmed to body temp (98.6) in your ear and take advil or ibuprofen for the pain until you get to the doctor.

  10. Try boiling it out with peroxide, if that doesn't work try sweet oil. I would strongly recommend you go to the doctor. You probably have what they call swimmers hear or an inner ear infection.

  11. My family member had hearing loss as a result of an untreated ear infection.  Please don't ignore the pain.  It's nature's way of telling you that something is not right.  Call and talk to your Dr. and good luck to you.

  12. Sounds like a severe sinus or ear infection to me.

    Go to the d**n doctor!

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