
I have short dreams about the future.?

by  |  earlier

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They're always in 1st person, nothing too important. But I'll just be sleeping, and these little flashes of a dream will interrupt my sleep and I'll just pass them off and forget about them. Then a few weeks later they'll actually come through. A few times they've turned out really badly, but I've gotten lucky twice where I remember the dream and it actually influences me to do the correct thing.




  1. many people have the skill to foresee the future, although its not scientifically proven. usually you cant influence the whatever you do will lead to the little flash you see at night

  2. -Same thing happens to me,flashbacks are really useful specially during nightmares.

  3. I have those dreams to ; and they are call physic dream and they are the most accurate dream ; who are always right about the future ; I love them ; because I can prepare myself for the bad thing like the good one ; we are lucky ; not to many have this chance  

  4. well mate well come to my world. many people have the sight , many people have dreams about the future,

    don't worry to much, just embrace the gift that you have and do good with it.

    but also remember, some dreams are also messages for us to interpret, some times they are warnings for the ones we care about,or they happen as you see them in the dream. i have been having them since i was very young,and helped many people with their dreams.

    so enjoy your gift and make good with it.

    take care.

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