
I have six single voice coil subs what is the best way to wire them up?

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I have six single voice coil subs what is the best way to wire them up?




  1. depends on lots of things....what amp u want to use mainly.....and the rms of ur subs...u would be better off using two amps..if u use two amps..u wire three of them to 1.34 ohms and the same with the other three and get two of the same amps with the same rms at one ohm stable....ur subs r most likely 4 ohm single voice coil...that would be the way to do it...theres the wiring diagrams for what u need on the link below....hope that helps

  2. If they are all the same model, your okay, if not......

    Do you have a mono or stereo amp to drive them?

    Lets say you have a mono amp, rated to drive 2 to 8 ohm loads.  And the speakers are rated at 4 ohms each.  You could arrange them in pairs serially, then the three pairs in parallel, which would provide the amp with a 2.67 ohm load.

    How did I figure this:

    * two four ohm speakers in series results in eight ohms.

    * three eight ohm pairs in parallel is 8/3 ohms = 2.67 ohms.

    If the amp can only drive 4 to 8 ohm or 4 to 16 ohm loads; you'll need to go to two sets of three in series:

    * three four ohm speakers in series results in 12 ohms.

    * two 12 ohm sets in parallel is 12/2 ohm = 6 ohms.

    From the above, you should be able to figure it out, but let us know specifics, and your plan.

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