
I have small b***s with blue veins on them. :(?

by  |  earlier

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I hate them ! Im 15 and im 30/32 b, im just filling the b cup. I have loads of blue veins on them. This makes me really self contcious about them ! :(




  1. Try going to the doctor. It may be that you're still growing.  

  2. I think you should go to a doctor if you are really worried. first of all, you are fine, no one expects you to be busty with 15 years of age, I hade a class mate in grade 12 who did not have b*****s whatsoever(because she was really thin). and just that you said there are blue veins on your breast, some veins are blue and in many parts of the body ( like wrists ) blue veins are visible. dont be self concious . again I say, if you are too worried go to a doctor.

  3. if it looks liek a spider web quit wasting time online and go to a doctor.

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