
I have so many problems! help?

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my car sounds so horrible, i think it needs a new mufler. im only 17 and i have a job and i cant really afford a new car but i wish to trade it will they do that?

also i want a new job i work at a food store abut need more money.. where is somewhere that will hire me or something i can do and still be in school?




  1. About the job, not many people will pay too much to have a school kid working for them. They need too much time off, its easier to get a uni student or someone like that.

    Take your car to a mechanic and get him to look at it. If you can't afford a new car, why are you thinking of trading your car in? Doesn't that mean you're going to be getting a new car, one you said you can't afford?

  2. You are 17.  You cant enter into a contract with a dealer.  So whether they will take the trade or not is irrelevant.  Your parents car trade it, but you can't

  3. Don't make your problems worse by getting in debt for a new car.  Dealers will take anything for a trade-in, but they may not give you what it's worth.  

    Spend money on getting your car fixed unless it needs a new engine or something that'll cost more than the car.  

    Look in the paper and online for a job.  Craigslist often has good listings.  GO to food markets and ask for a job.  Dress presentably and carry yourself well.  Create a resume.  Not too many 17-year olds have resumes.  It may make an impression, but make sure it's written well.

    Do just about any job, but don't let your education suffer.  Graduate.  The more education you get and work experience you obtain, the more marketable you will be.  

    After high school, if employment is difficult to get, consider the military.  I know....but they offer exception career, educational, and opportunities to gain experience many employers want.

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