
I have so much to think about and im stressed as h**l.?

by  |  earlier

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In the grand scheme of things these are all kind of minor but they still suck.

1.The band im in may drop me due to lack of attending practices which wasnt my fault,I had no choice and my skill level is alot less then theirs so I always feel like a liability in that band.As much as I like it.

2. (Im copying and pasting a summary from another queston)

I'll try to be brief all though it never happens -_-;.

.Theres a girl Ive been friends with for 11/16 years of my life

.Three years ago I developed feelings for her

.Last summer I distanced myself from her to hide my feelings

.I havent spoken to her since febuary

.She lives 45 mins away near my summer house

.I was at the house in july and didnt see her because :

.I was and am afraid to call her or see her for some reason

.Im scared ****less since Im going back for three days sometime this week and I dont want to not see her.

.Ive been up until 3-5 am thinking about her eachnight since april.

I just need advice...or what you would do. Or similar stories or words of encouragement.

Thats the summary of my predicament right there.

And on thursday night im going back to my summer house. That gives me friday,saturday and sunday to see her. But im terrified to call her. My mom kept asking about her during the summer and I never really answered...So if I suddenly told my mom she was coming over she may ask some stuff so what I would do is go about a mile down the street to the video store and ask her to meet me there.Then we could hang around town and THEN head to my house. Again the only issue there is.

Im too afraid to call her for some reason that I dont know.

And this IS my last chance...

So here are my questions:

.What should I say when I call

.how can I work up the courage to call

.What could I possibly be afraid of cause I dont know

.Should I talk to anyone

.Should I forget about her

.Should I meet her at my house or the video store or on the road?


Is what ive said before. (YOUR STILL FREE TO ANSWER THAT)

*I used a cell phone number she has never seen so that kind of debunks any theories that she may not be picking up the phone because she is mad at me*

*I used two diffrent cell phones*

and whilst I was there I didnt see her at all so im pissed about that and when I went back For three days I couldnt get ahold of her and now im going back saturday and im nervous as h**l.

3.usual back to school oh sh** feeling but I dont care about that.





  1. You only live once. Don't spend your days kicking yourself in the A** because you didn't take the one chance you had. It's alot better to go for it and get rejected than to never know what could have been. Most girls have a little bit of a "thing" for their male friends anyhow. You never know. But you could....

  2. Just pick the phone up and call her before it's to late. Don't be scared just ask her if she wants to hang out or something.Don't text her CALL HER. You can do it.

  3. Hello,

    One of the best things I found for dealing with stress was meditation.

    I went through a period of my life where I literally had a breakdown because of stress and was off work for months because of it.

    During this time I was offered all sorts of drugs and the like by doctors which I turned down. One of my friends mentioned meditation and how they had heard it was really good with stress.

    I found a local group, signed up and started to learn to meditate. I now attend a group every week and meditate daily and found that my stress levels have dropped significantly and that I am able to cope through situations where I wouldn't have in the past.

    If you're suffering from stress, then try meditation, it's a really good way of reducing your stress levels.

    Hope that helps you out :)

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