
I have socail phobia! Help?!?

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My name is Lawrence,I'm 15 and I have a Socail Phobia issue.

I was home schooled last year because of it and now it's gotten worse.

When I go in public places with a lot of people I get really nervous. I start to sweat,I get really hot, and I start to stare at the floor. I panic worse especially around teens or young people and that's not good because I am about to start high school August 25th! I was tease a lot in school.4th grade through 8th grade. I thought about suicide. When I tell my dad about my problem he just laughs.When I tell my mom she suggest I should take therapy. Can someone please tell me where I should go to get treatment? I think I want medicine or pills more than therapy. Can anyone help me?!




  1. im an untreated socialphobic as well. i would take up your mothers offer to see therapy. it may not be something that therapy alone would do, so chances are you would be put on pills anyway. your nervousness is just a normal part of it. do it before you waste the best years of your life sitting in your room in fear like i have

  2. Just relax. Im 20 and I have recent experience as a teenager and it is definitley not easy!! I had the same issues and ended up going to my doctor and they put me on Lorazepam which is a fast acting anxiety medication.. It helps you relax and takes your midn away from the negativity and back to normal things, if that makes sense. If you were to take it an hour before school you would be good because it only takes an hour or less to kick in.. It has done wonders for me and my anxiety. They can also put you on lexapro which is strictly for anxiety and has the least side effects which can help in the long run.. Good luck and it will get better I promise. Take care of yourself you are young and need to have fun again!! :)  

  3. What you need to do is speak with a school guidance counsellor to see if they can refer you to someone for help.  If you dont feel comfortable speaking with a guidance counsellor then talk with your doctor and ask for a referral to someone who can assist you.

    Mention your shyness around others, being teased at school and your suicidal thoughts to your doctor.

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