
I have some bearded dragons and I need to know some care tips!!?

by Guest59808  |  earlier

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My cousin gave me some bearded dragons and I know that they eat crickets and grasshoppers but what else I dont have a pet store in town!! What are some other tips about them??

1.They have a day light and a night light that keeps them warm.

2. I have a male and a female.

3. Why do they not drink out of the water bowl?

4. The male is agressive the female is nice I can pick her up!




  1. they might need a heat pad underneath the terrarium, (glass tank, preferably an aquarium 50-100 gallons) they need vegetables in a low dish, same with the water. If the male is really aggressive, and bites, talk to a vet or someone who owns an aggressive beardie, if not, just leave him alone for a few days, and see. They're cages MUST be clean, and sand is  an ABSOLUTELY NO for young/baby beardies, 'cause they'll "taste" the sand and if they do, the sand will clog they're stomachs. Beardies are pretty low maintenance, GOOD LUCK!

  2. UUUmmmmmmm my friend used to have one. All I know is that their cage has to be clean and it had a water bottle

  3. it isnt abnormal for a bearded dragon to not drink from a water dish unless you train them, mostly because there vision is mostly based on movement, however i have had great success with an eye dropper, i put some on his mouth and he lapps it up then if you wanted to get him to drink out of a bowl let him get used to the dropper then put some into the bowl while he is looking he will most likely reccognize that, that is where the water is at. Sorry i couldnt answer anything else but i hope this helped

  4. only feed them crickets until they are full grown. then they can eat collard greens, kale, and dandalion greens if you dont spray to kill weeds.  use about 2.5 watts per gallon on the heating.  use a dripper for water( wich is basically something that slowly drips water). the male is probably agressive because there is a female.  he wants her


    these are some helpful sites

  6. Try this site:

    Is should answer all your questions.

  7. The following you're about to read is not copied from any website or caresheet. This is from my experience.

    A day and night heat lamp is not enough.

    Do you have a UVB light source? 10.0 (10.0 is used for desert animals)? You need a UVB light to provide vitamin D3 and Calcium for your bearded dragons. If you do not get a UVB light your dragon will develop calcium deficiency or a case of bone disease.

    You should have 2 digital thermometers, one on the cool end, one on the warm end. Make sure the warm end is between 90 and 110 through out the day. If it's too low you may be using a too low of wattage bulb and may have to up it up.

    Make sure at least one of your thermometers measures humidity, humidity is very important to them. Their humidity level should be between 30% and 40%. Too high of humidity could cause respiratory problems, too low could cause dehydration.

    Are they over a year old? If so you have to house them in different cages. It's ok when they're young, but as they get older the male will breed with the female. Now breeding is all fine and dandy, but there's one problem - bearded dragons don't have mating seasons. The male will continuously breed with the female (over breeding) and will kill her in the end.

    Be sure not to feed your bearded dragon crickets that are bigger than the space between their eyes. It could cause impaction. the space between their eyes only applies to insects with a hard exoskeleton, the vegetables you feed them are easier to digest and can be bigger.

    You should be dusting off crickets with a calcium or multivitamin supplement each time you feed them. Be sure it has no phosphorus, phosphorus will reverse the calcium's effects. Make sure there's not a whole lot of vitamin A either, vitamin A is not too uncommon.

    You should be gut loading (feeding) your crickets too. I recommend sliced oranges and potatoes. Cricket pillows or sponges can be used for water.

    You should be housing crickets in either a cricket keeper, another tank, or a plastic bin. One gallon can house 100 crickets, which means you can have 100 crickets for every gallon. Don't worry about cost of crickets, it's usually a dollar a dozen.

    A fresh vegetable dish of sliced up vegetables should be in the tank daily, remove the dish before night time as spoiled vegetables will spread bacteria. I recommend using Romaine lettuce and mustard greens. Fruit can be given as a treat, but not too often. Fruit is very watery and full of sugar, which causes diarrhea for them.

    Is the tank you have big enough for them? If they are young bearded dragons they should be housed together in a 30 or 40 gallon, anything smaller is too little space for both of them. After both of them each reach a foot long  you will need to upgrade. You shouldn't be housing an adult male or female together, so that means you would have to buy two 55 gallon tanks.

    To answer your third question, bearded dragons don't drink out of the water dish. They really just use the water dish for soaking during the shedding process. To prevent dehydration you have to be misting them once daily (ONLY the lizards, not the tank, if you mist the tank the humidity level will sky rocket) and bathing them once weekly. The water should not be too deep, only up to their shoulders.

    DO NOT feed a bearded dragon wild bugs or insects either. They have parasites which can kill a bearded dragon, not to mention some bugs (the fire fly for example) can kill them. I understand that there is no pet store in your town, but you should double check the phone book there has to be at least one. If you can't find one you should either be ordering crickets online or going out of town to buy crickets.

    Since you say there is no pet store, you should consider breeding your own crickets. Order a c**p load online. Put them in a tank with dirt (so they can bury eggs) and in about a month or so you'll have a ton of new born crickets.

    Don't use loose substrate (cage lining) either. They will eat it and get impacted (which is choking and digestive problems). Use either tile, reptile carpet, newspaper, or paper towels.

    Be sure you have everything you need in the tank too. Basking objects on the warm end for both of them, big climbing objects (such as drift wood), a hiding spot cave type thing, and food and water dishes.

    The male being aggressive probably means he hasn't quite adjusted yet. Give him time.

    If you have any questions Email me, don't waste points. You can email me through my profile here.

    edit: oh your using sand. That's a bad idea, if you read up in my little care essay you'll see why. Make sure it's at least digestible sand if your going to use that stuff...

  8. Do not use sand--it causes intestinal impactions which can be deadly.  They should not be housed together as the male will go after the female too much and cause stress.  They do not need lights at night.  Basking daylight bulbs need to provide 100F temps which must be measured with a digital probe thermometer.  They must have 12 hours of UVB lighting made for reptiles.  The UVB bulb must be within 12 inches of the basking spot and the bulbs need to be changed every 6 months as they lose potency.  They usually do not drink from bowls, but provide a small one anyway.  You don't want large bowls or drip systems as this raises the humidity too high in their tank and caused respiratory problems.  Feed a variety of insects that have been gutloaded and dusted with calcium/D3 powder.  Use a multivitamin once a week.  Feed a balanced salad daily.  Soak/bathe weekly.  See here for more info:

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