
I have some blisters how can i get rid of them?

by Guest67141  |  earlier

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I have blisters the ones that rip open by themselves on the outer sides of my pinkie toes form certain shoes. Im not wearing socks becasuse they just dont work with the king of shoes i wear since its summer and i dont wear long pants. the shoes are these ones, there those exact black wedges and i was wondering how i can stop getting those painful blisters that rip off a lot of skin on the outer part of my pinkie toes.




  1. Stop wearing those shoes. You need to wear shoes that you can wear with socks for a while. When It heals. I highly recommend you to wear those shoes as much. It might help.

  2. Mosturize your feet. Then peel off the dead skin while it is all soft. Then put neosporin on it then sleep with bandaids on them. do this for a week to a week and a half.. and that part of your foot will callous a little and you wont get blisters there anymore.

  3. I have gotten those before.  Before you wear the shoes, put a bandaid over where you know you will get a blister.  You can also put mole skin on the part of the shoe that rubs your foot.  

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