
I have some cat questions ... please answer

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question #1 :

what is the average age that a female cat goes into heat?

question #2 :

can a cat get pregnant all year around?

question #3 :

in a cats first litter how many kittens can be born?

thank you and please answer





  1. 1. Usually from 5-6 months of age.

    2. Can have up to 4 litters a year as they get pregnant again after 3 months.

    3. Anything from 1-5 kittens in the 1st litter.

  2. All cats are different, but in my experience a cat goes into heat at around a year old. They can DEFINITELY get pregnant all year round. I've seen spring, summer, fall, and winter kittens. As for the size of a cat's first litter, I've seen anywhere from 2-5. We live in the country and have a lot of free roamers. Hope this helps!

  3. question #1 :

    what is the average age that a female cat goes into heat?

    Cats can go into heat as early as 4 months old. The average would be somewhere between 5 and 6 months old.

    question #2 :

    can a cat get pregnant all year around?

    Yes, they can get pregnant all year round. Their heat period last for a couple of days and cycle again every other 3 weeks or so. Breeding period is prime during Spring time. (December - August) is know as kitten season. However, they tend to stay low during the cold winter months where in the wild, food supply would be limited. But domestic cats do not have this dilemma and they will breed if given the chance.

    question #3 :

    in a cats first litter how many kittens can be born?

    If the cat is very young, less than a year old, normally the litter will be smaller, between 1-3, the same goes for cats older than 7 years old. Cat's in their prime will have a litter between 4-6.

    Hope this answers all your question!

  4. 1) Depends on the breed. I know Persians best. I have seen kittens in heat as early as 4 months and as long as a year and a half. Alley cats average b/t 4 to 8 months. Also depends on the time of year...the longer the day(more sunshine/day light stimulates heat cycles)

    #2) Yes. I have seen kittens all year round. Gestation is average of 63 to 68 days but can be as early as 59(with low survival rate) to 72 days(also low survival rate). Female cats are induced ovulators, which means that ovulation does not take place without mating or manual stimulation. If the female cat does not mate during estrus, hormonal levels will eventually drop off, and the estrus cycle will cease, until it repeats itself in another two to three weeks.

    #3) Can be from 1 to I have seen 7. Depends on how many times breed and how many eggs the females produces at breedings. It's the female who determines the number of kittens. The male is the one who determines the s*x of each kitten.

  5. 1. They can start at before a year old. Mostly after though.

    2. No, they have certaqin times of the year to get pregnant. I think.

    3. Usually from 2 and up to 4. It all depends. there is no set limit.

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