
I have some classes with upperclassmen,and I'm just a freshman...?

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I'm just going to ignore them and keep to myself.

Would that be a good idea?




  1. Class of 2010

    When I was a freshmen I had both of my electives with upper class man. I encountered no problem with them, and they were actually nice, and would chat with me in class.... same for my sophomore year.

    Now I'm finally a upperclassman, and doesn't feel any different... like more rights in the school or anything. Just more determine with my school work, graduation, etc...  

  2. let them approach you then, don't be intimidated, just wait till they talk to you. if not then you will probably have to interact with them when you do group assignments

  3. no, don't do that! don't be scared of them... just look nice and smile and let them talk to you!

  4. just be yourself, you dont have to ignore them cuz then they might think your scared or a nerd

  5. I know how you feel but the best thing to do, is act like you don't feel out of place. Try having a conversation with someone in the class that may feel a little out of place, too. Chances are that there is someone just as shy. Also, just act cool and calm even if it seems impossible to do. If you keep ur head high and act like you don't care someone may even strike up a conversation with you. Don't be intimidated, I promise that you will start to feel more comfortable with some time. Just get to know some people, and u may even look forward to going to that class.  

  6. you know i thought the same way you did and i was a freshman and most of my classes were with upperclassmen.

    BUT, i found that they were rather friendly and when you get used to it, you find there's not so much of a difference between you guys. you're just a grade or two behind them, but they're people too. i found that i got along with the upperclassmen in my classes pretty well, even ended up becoming great friends with some of them. there's no real difference, it's all in our heads. just try to mingle and get along with them. depending on wat school you go to, but usually, they will end up becoming some of your best friends. good luck! =]  

  7. don worry so much talk to them if they talk to u jus talk back if they ask u somethin answer no reason to be nervous sure their upper classmen but they're still people jus like you so relax they aint gonna kill ya

  8. well, if your in classes with upper classmen then obviously your just as smart as them. If you want yes ignore them if there making fun of you cause there just trying to be kool. I am sure though that there will be at least one other freshman in your class. Try to sit by her/him i think you will be fine. Don't worry about it to much it is just one class

  9. does it really matter?  talk to who you want, ignore who you don't.  It's that easy.  

  10. No

  11. no you shouldnt, you must be pretty smart to be in a class with upperclassmen. be proud that you could do that!

  12. Think about it this way:

    In just a few short years you will be out in the  "real world". You will be working with people of all ages, races, walks of life. Are you going to avoid people then? I think not. This is a perfect opportunity for you to expand your social skills and work on your self confidence. Just think in a couple of weeks of socializing with the upperclassmen, you might just be the envy of all of your friends.  (to be honest in high school, MOST of my friends were upperclassmen... i had more classes with them and really had more in common with them than kids my own age)

    my best advice: Be yourself, talk to them just as you would anyone else. They are human too.  

  13. Well you don't have to talk to them, but if you did you could use it to your advantage. You could make friends out of them or you could just ask them for advice on taking certain classes in the following years. Either way try to relax and be social, upperclassmen aren't dogs they can't sense your fear but they can tell when you are ignoring them.

  14. I'm a freshman and I have classes with upperclassmen.

    You don't HAVE to ignore them, if youre nice to them..who knows! Maybe you can make some (older) friends!

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