
I have some extra boxes of chocolates from school, what should i say to people to sell them...ANY TIPS??

by  |  earlier

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The school gave me some boxes becaus they didnt need them.

what should i tell people inorder to make them buy it.

i cant tell them its for school because schools over and they wont believe me. any help here =[?!?!? 10 points for best answer!!!

i really need some ideas. what cause should it be fore?

i need tips for selling chocolats really badley.




  1. "Hey (little boy/old man/old woman/little girl), you wanna buy some chocolate?"

  2. Children's Hospital or like for your family if you are on lower middle class

    Or have a little sibling do it for you cuz I used to sell popcorn for my brother when he was in cub scouts and he won a prize for most boxes sold.

  3. tell them your dying and you need the money for an operation. done deal

  4. Don't lie about being for a cause of some sort, this is actually considered fraud!!

    You dont need an excuse just ask people if they would like some, if they ask what for just tell them our fundraising ended and we had extra boxes.... They are chocolates so its not like they are paying for nothing! Id pay for chocolates no matter what haha!

    If you have trouble try selling for 50c - $1 less! =)

  5. hey

    in my school, some people sell chocolates too, and they say like

    i got lots of chocolates boxes from my uncle and i dont want to eat anymore. so i will sell this chocolate for $1 or something.

    if u have lodes of chocolates, tell them like buy 1 get 1 free!

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