
I have some geography question can u help me I am very stressed out for looking the answers its very hard?

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HERE ARE the question

Which two large bodies of water does the Panama Canal connect?

b. What is the capital of Guyana?

137 a. Which country would you call a peninsula: Canada, Italy, or Germany?

b. Dakar is the capital of which African nation?

138 a. Which Central American country does not touch the Caribbean Sea?

b. Which country just south of Spain has a long coastline on the Atlantic and a shorter one on the Mediterranean?

139 a. Helsinki, the capital of Finland, is on which sea?

b. The world’s largest archipelago, or group of islands, is the Malay Archipelago. Where is the Malay


What is the reliative location of Belize

Thank u so much




  1. panama canal connects the atlantic and pacific oceans

    the capital of guyana is georgetown

    italy is a peninsula

    dakar is senegal's capital

    138 a. i don't know


    don't know the others...

  2. 1. Atlantic & Pacific Ocean

    2. Georgetown.

    3. Italy.

    4. Senegal

    5. El Salvador

    6. Morocco - but not a 100% sure about that.

    7. The Baltic Sea

    8. Its located between mainland Southeastern Asia and Australia. The Indian and Pacific Ocean.

    9. I have no idea.

  3. atlantic ocean and pacific ocean

    b. georgetown

    137a. italy

    b. senegal

    138a. el salvador

    b. morocco

    139 a. it is on the shore of the gulf of finland, by the baltic sea.

    b. southeastern asia and oceania

    17 degrees N, 88 degrees W, belize is to the east of guatemala, and to the south of the Yucatan peninsula. belize borders the caribbean sea to the countrys east.

    hope this helps...

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