
I have some goals for the next little while and i need some help?

by  |  earlier

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1) get my 7 month old sleeping through the night

2) getting my 2 year old out of a crib and into a bed

3) get my 2 year old potty trained

4) get both of them off soothers

I need some help as all these things seem impossible to me right now




  1. Probably best to ask these questions individually as answers can be quite long.

    (1) There are many different techniques. Maternal health nurses suggest putting the baby to bed after he/she has had their nappy changed and fed. Soothe the baby and then leave him/her. If they cry, go in every 10 minutes and soothe them, but leave again. Don't pick them up. This is just one suggestion and it has worked really well for us.

    (2) I bought my 2-year-old a toddler bed (smaller than a single bed but with rails on the side so that they don't fall out. Toddler beds are also cheaper than single beds). Buy fun manchester. My son loves Elmo so he has Elmo manchester and was really excited to go to bed in his "big boy bed". If your child can climb out of a cot, they should be in a bed, otherwise they can hurt themselves climbing out in the dark.

    (3) This is something that only your child can tell you when he/she is ready for it. I have been trying to toilet train by 2-year-old for months. All I can suggest is taking him/her to the potty after you have removed a dirty nappy to familarise them them with the potty. Have a sticker chart so that every time your child goes to the potty he/she is rewarded. Most importantly, don't stress. Every child is different. Your child will go to the toilet eventually, but if you keep pushing, it will be become a stressful experience for them and they won't want to go.

    (4) The best way to do this is to do it in stages, not cold turkey because they will freak out and drive you crazy. My son used to have his soother all the time. Now he only has it at night. It was hard at first, but you have to be consistent and firm. Any time he asks for it, you tell him that it's for bed and does he want to go to bed? Eventually he will realise that there's a link between the soother and bed and won't hassle you for it during the day. After that, you can focus on how you will get him/her to not take it at night, but one step at a time.

    Remember, it's very hard to have kids do everything you want them to do. Play it by ear and try and make it a fun experience for them. Don't push them. They'll fight back and you'll be upset and it will be stressful for both of you. One step at a time! Good luck.

  2. Hi! To get your 7month old, sleeping through the night, make nap time a little shorter. Get then up at about 7:30am. A complete new routine. Let them have a nap at about 1:30pm and give them a half hour sleep. Even if they don't sleep it would be nice for them to have a small rest. And put them to bed at about 7:30pm.

    For getting your 2 year old out of the crib. I put the guarder rail from the crib onto the side of the bed. It would be the same thing to them and gradually, when they get used to sleeping in the big bed, take the guarders away. Maybe let them pick out a bed sat of spider-man or Bratz?

    What i did to get to help get my daughter potty trained, I bought her her own special toilet seat. I let her pick it out. She picked a pink one with white poke-dots. She loved it, and was really excited to use it, Because it was her own special thing that only she could use.

    I read on yahoo answer's when a mother wanted to get her daughter of Binky's, she brought her girl to the bear factory and let her pick out a bear and before they stuffed the bear, she let her daughter put the  binky in the bear. So when she wanted her binky, she could always have it but it would bear in the bear safe and sound. I thought this was brilliant! I did it with my daughter, and as well as getting a new teddy, she new her binky was tucked away from harm and was always close to her at night

    Hoped I've helped x*x  

  3. 1) get my 7 month old sleeping through the night--Try feeding a little extra at night, and making sure that all night contact is very boring, so they don't want it in the middle of the night

    2) getting my 2 year old out of a crib and into a bed- Try putting a mattress on the floor and a gate at the door.  Make sure to take the loudest and most annoying toys out of her room, she might play the first couple of nights, but then that will subside.

    3) get my 2 year old potty trained-  That is something you have to work on.  My daughter gets a Junior mint everytime she goes.  We let her go around the house in underwear not diapers so she is more aware of it.  My sons were pottytrained because they wanted Power Rangers Underwear, so maybe try buying her new underwear.

    4) get both of them off soothers --That one is just going to take throwing them out and dealing with it.  There is no easy way to do it. Maybe trying the passy fairy giving them gifts for the passys.  

    Good luck!

  4. I think your goals are quite irrealistic.  I only have a nearly 3 year-old and he 's just sooooo happy to be in nappies.  And he sucks his thumb too.

    I have asked advice to my pediatric nurse (and friends too) and she reckons I should not ever put pressure about potty training or else I may get a drawback...

    That's  just for 1 kid.

  5. Call a babysitter

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