
I have some horses and they are starting to get some kinda rash on there noses any ideas if its poison sumac?

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I have some horses and they are starting to get some kinda rash on there noses any ideas if its poison sumac?




  1. It could be clover poisoning, If the rash is mostly on the horses white markings. If they are eating hay with lots of clover in it I would change it now, as we have had horses die from hay like thay. If they are getting clover from a pasture they should be okay, as long as there isn't to much clover in it. Hope this helps.

  2. study their pasture and see if there is anything that could be doing that If there is nothing there make sure your hay is okay if your left with nothing i would call the vet

  3. It's hard to say what it could be without a good description. If they have white noses (blazes, snips, etc.), it could be sunburn. It could also be warts, poison ivy, poison sumac, poison oak, or many other things. I'll keep checking back and try to be more specific when you add some descriptions of it.

  4. If they have a blaze or snip, it could be sunburn. It is common in horses with light skin and white hair. Use a fly mask to protect them from the sun.

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