
I have some major confidence issues, help!

by  |  earlier

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I am almost five feet tall, and 130 pounds, I hate to look at my weight, but don't take drastic actions, I used to be much smaller. When I look at myself I just don't like what I see. I don't really know what to do.

Also, i'm scared to play in gym because of failing, I am so scared to be made fun of and mess up. It makes me sick, so I don't call people, and i'm scared in social situations. This really effects my life. Can you help!




  1. just believe in yourself.. live life, life is too short for these things to happen to you. have confidence in yourself more often. enjoy yourself, go to the mall, check your weight etc. come on you know that you can do it, but you just dont know how to do it... i dont know you but i know that you can do anything you want as long as you put your mind into it.. dont listen to people all they do is make you sad, depress and bring down you. just listen to you. hope this helps.. good luck

  2. I was just like you in school, but the difference is that the only time that I was ever small was when I was born prematurely.  lol.  Seriously, you need to think about this.  You've known yourself nine months longer than your mother has known you.  So that means that you know your self better than anyone else on this Earth!  If you can't love yourself, how can your family and friends believe that you love them when you've known them less time that you've known yourself. People are going to make fun of you if you are big or small...short or tall, smart or or poor..The only one that you can please all the time is you.  If you do that...then the ones that are meant to be around you will still be around you.  If not...then that is their loss.  

  3. If you want to change then you are the only one who has the power to do so.  If you think you have a weight problem, change your diet and lifestyle.  Weight loss takes a lot of work but being miserable is harder.

  4. first identify your goal, it seems to be to Lose Weight. once you recognize this goal, repeat it to yourself every morning and evening by writing in a diary "I need to lose (example) 5 kilos by the end of 2 months". this is a technique known as auto-suggestion used by inspirational leaders to help people achieve their goals.

    Stick a snap of yourself when you were smaller on your fridge door. this will also help in motivation.

    Keep a food and exercise journal. This is a known method to improve weight loss.

    Search the net for a suitable exercise and diet regime. You can do all your workouts at home, in a park,etc. theres no need to be dependent on the gym.

    Remember to include high intensity workouts in your exercise regime.

    You may want to consult a dietician to get your intake perfect.

    Best of luck. I hope you achieve your aim.

  5. Dont let your wait get you down, it doesn't mean anything..


    :D  Make some new friends of it helps.


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