
I have some marble hatchets, and they keep getting attacked by my angel fish. What can I do?

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I have some marble hatchets, and they keep getting attacked by my angel fish. What can I do?




  1. Ya I had a pink kisser and the angle fish always picked at it. Maybe the ph in water, but they picked at it for a while then the pink got really big so they stopped.

  2. You could try a breeders net if they are small or maybe a tank separator.  Sometimes they can hide in plants in the tank if you have some.  

  3. You need to take the hatchets out of the angel tank.  Angel fish are not really very good community fish.  They are beautiful, but bad tempered fish.  They like to have lots of room to swim and have no patience with fish that don't get out of their way.  They will eat neon tetras and bully other fish that are smaller or more peaceful than them.  And if you put them with more aggressive fish, they tend to get their long fins nipped.  Angels really do best in species only tanks.

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