
I have some new angelfish and they're fins are a little questionable?

by  |  earlier

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i bought them from petsmart, because i felt as though i needed to save them :[ it was very crowded, and they're medium, and not very expensive so i took the chance- I put them in my tank, which is cycled, clear, and well, and at a good temperature, and they're swimming around.

they're fins are very picked at, but it doesn't seem to affect them.

i have a gold one, and a marbled one- the marbled was the largest, and has the most fin pickage and the gold one looks like to may have ick (i'm not panicking, i'll pick up some quick cure tomorrow as soon as the place opens) but it's not on the fins, it looks like some of it's very small scales are upturned (even if it's not ick i'm getting it anyway.)

so will they heal?

is there some sort of suppliment i should buy?

i have three very small clown loaches, a small pleco (for my size tank) and am looking into some other tank mates like small discus. i have a 30 gallon tank. i plan on upgrading to a larger tank when i move out.




  1. 50% water changes daily for the first week, every other day for the second week.  Treat with Melafix.  I have healed up some angels that looked like they went a few unsuccessful rounds with Mike Tyson, usually due to being involved in pairing incidents.  The biggest help is the cheapest one, fresh water.

  2. If you keep every thing clean and healthy then yes they should heal. Just give it time. Make sure to feed them healthy and nutritous food to speed up the healing process.

  3. well I guess your not going to like this either but they are probley going to die and there is nothing you can do to save them on top of that if you ever want to try angels again in that tank it will have to be bleached

    here is the deal there is an illness that affects only angelfish it came from china I call it angelfish aids all the suppliers of fish to the big box store's have it in their tanks as do the large box stores on average from the day the stores like petsmart gets the angels in they tend to die from this illness withen about 2 weeks they will get into the upper corner of the tank and gasp for air

    the only way to get good angels thease days are from local pet stores that have local breeders or to find a breeder on line even liveaqueria has this illness in their tanks

    also discus and angels shoulod never be kept as tank mates

    angels illnesses can and will kill discus

    also what ever gave you the idea angels and discus are peacefull they are both cichlids

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