
I have some problem about my son that he cant decieded that what he should do after complition of their courc

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He is doing third year electronic and comnication and as i asked him what is your future plan . he says me that i will give you my answer in written. He blammed me that youdid not care me as my little brothe. my other son was in study in fmm a new cbsc cource. Whenever he deceied the engineering like himself. He again say that you are living a small place as alwar(raj} and my compition is against matrocities compititor. who are much smart then me because of there living stunured is high., I think he in inferier himself . I am here about 10 year in connection of my job whenever i belong to ghaziabad.near delhi. Pl suggust me what isthe way for boost up their negative approch., although he is smart boy and his persentage is83% in engineering . he is speakingin engilsh very well . He again complane me you did studes mybrother in english midium .




  1. why are you asking your question in the Special Ed section?  why do so many people in your country understand that Special Education deals with people who have physical and/or mental disabilities?

  2. You didn't say how old he is, but he sounds old enough to

    a) STOP blaming his parents for his problems- tell him that!

    b) let go and let him learn from his failures.

    He needs to learn his lesson from other people. If he drops out of school, then he has to work. Let the boss tell him (all the things you already told) If he lives at home, he needs to help with chores and be respectful to his parents. He needs to show his brother the right way and stop being jealous.

    When he is older he will be sorry for not listening to you! You have done a great job- now let go and let him try his wings!

    (like a baby bird leaning to fly-falls and the mother bird never helps, just keeps telling him "You can do it, if you want")

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