
I have some problems building up confidence and letting my hands go. Any advise?

by Guest61604  |  earlier

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I am alot faster when i train but when it comes to Sparing, its very mental and i intend to be too careful or think too much to counter. Also i think i am self-concious about my hits.




  1. mm alot of people have the same problem including me.just think speed when your sparring and always keep lose and move and you could try my move i call the know the german thing when its all out war lol well the blitzkrieg i just casually move around and throw a few jabs here and there and then fly in with a burst of punches and keep on them.and as for self conciousness always try to hit first.even if the shot doesnt land u should always try to be first.

  2. I  had a similar problem as a young amateur..But that quickly went away after I had my first bout in the Golden Gloves.... basically because it comes down to destroy or be destroyed...And of course survival is a basic instinct..

      A few solutions that helped me get over that situation was having a sparring-partner who was in my stable.. Something that I'm assuming you may already be aware of when training in a large boxing-gym environment..

      This way you guys can t-off or counter at times, while building confidence and skills.. You remain friends because you're in the same stable.. It's when you work with somebody from a different stable, that you tend to become a little more competitive, etc..By all means, do let your hands go because they say that, "you only do in the real fight, what you do in the gym (While Sparring)..  It's only natural if not expected, to get-off or open-up a little at times, especially if  you're perfecting a move or capitalizing on a sparring-partner's mistake.. That's what the game is all about, right?

                                  Good luck, Ty Ty.

  3. talk to your trainer about this, he may have some better ideas then me. the usual cure for this is getting hit in the head once really hard and then you are less shy about hitting someone. that is at least what helped me. another possibility is boxing is just not a sport for you and you should do something else. there is nothing wrong with that. you can get lots of good information on fitness and nutrition at

  4. Look, box by boxing in circles, but show whos the boss by fighting at your own pace. Another thing is when the first bell goes, you throw you hardest punch or wait for the other to throw and then throw harder. That puts negetivity in the other persons head and as a result can most of the time allow you to take control of the fight provided you dont get careless.

    Sugar Ray leonard spoke about this in an interview he did way back in 1996. It was a very good insight, and ive used it in the gym. Its all headgames and about your mentality.

  5. i think your problem is your afraid of getting hit.

    practice getting hit have someone hit you


    after you get hit around a little bit and know your own chin then you should be able to attack

  7. do yoga

  8. Thats where the mental part of boxing kicks in. Ever hear the phrase that "boixing is 10% physical 90% mental"

    We cant anwser this question for you , only you can.

    Are you confident in your punches?

    Are you scared to take a hit?

    Will you be giving pressure? or taking it?

    Can you beat him?

    If you go into a fight with the mentality that you might loose or your opponent is better than you, THEN you will loose and he is better than you.

    You have to have confidence in your self

    and know not think but know that you are the better fighter

    thats what seperates champions form average Joe's

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