
I have some question on the animal protection in U.S.?

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I am an international student, i am not familiar with animal law in U.S . i got some problem here, i have a 4mon kitten. At very beginning ,i let the kitten walk around the house, but one day when i came home, i found the kitten was under the sofa and can not find his way out. it is very hot and the kitten was shouting painfully,. i thought it may be too dangerous for him to be free in the house, cos he dont know where is dangerous , where is safe . so i am asking is it against law to tie the kitten up , limit his territory to his food and litter?




  1. dont do that. no. bad. at least close the door to the room with the sofa, but dont just get a gate. cats jump over those. cats hate being in only one place. how would you like it?  

  2. Cats don't take well to being tied up, and I imagine the police wouldn't like it either. Why not put the cat's litter box, food and water into one room that is safe and shut the door. Our kittens stayed in the bathroom until they were big enough to have the run of the house. (As long as there is no cleaner around and the toilet seat is down)

  3. yes very much so

  4. Laws governing the tethering of animals are decided locally. There are limitations generally on the kind of material you can use and on the minimum length of the tether. I am not aware of any laws specifically prohibiting the tethering of a cat, although you would need to check with your local municipality. In fact, many laws specify dogs and cats in their tether laws.

    That being said, it is not necessary to tie him up. It would be distressing to the kitten and not really solve your problem productively. I understand your concern for your kitten and there are some things you can do to protect him. You need to "kitten-proof" your home. That means essentially preventing accidents using preventative measures. These are some things you need to do:

    Pick up any small objects that a kitten may ingest thinking it is a toy. Supervise play with things like string, milk bottle tops etc. that can be swallowed.

    Be sure there are no toxic substances in reach that a kitten could knock over or get into.

    Block off small openings where a kitten could crawl in and get stuck.

    By in large your kitten will explore but I would not have too much anxiety that he will come to harm if you take common sense steps such as these. Just enjoy your kitten, let him mature and let him roam free around the house untethered.

    Good luck to you and kitty =)

  5. Whether legal or not, tying a kitten up would be a bad idea, kittens are so active he'd most likely injure himself with the tether.

    To restrict him, "kitten proof" one room that you can leave him in with adequate food, water, bedding and litter while you are out.  When he gets older and a bit more sensible - and has had a chance to explore the whole house under your supervision - he should be fine to be left free in the house even when you're not home.


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