
I have some questions about Global Warming?

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Global Warming is a popular issue now, and I have some questions about it:

1. Definition about GW

2. What's GW's impact to natural system on this planet?

3. And it remedy...

thanks ^^




  1. 3. there is no remedy. it has been proven that the world has gone through numerous climate changes, we are just speeding up the process. I am an optimist and like to think of it as we are only taking the bad years off, kinda like smoking :)

  2. 1. Global warming is the warming of the biosphere due to solar energy trapped within our atmosphere.

    2.  If by natural system you mean the natural processes the earth goes through, then global warming is part of that natural process as it occurs regularly during geologic time.  I believe that it is therefor necessary to maintain life as we know it.  I think of it as a sort of cleansing period.  On a side note, I do believe humans accelerate the process of global warming, but it is still a natural phenomena.

    3.  I am not sure it is something to be remedied.  In my mind, it's Earth's intention to cleanse itself, much like our body cleanses itself from foreign bodies or toxic substances.  To me, this is not a negative thing.  If everyone has to perish in the process, so be it, it is the only way this earth can continue to support life.  There is no other significant resistance to human ability to over populate this earth, and to exhaust its resources.  It need not be a concern of anyone alive today though.  Who knows, maybe technology will come up with a solution.  Maybe we'll enter the age of space travel, and discover other habital planets, or maybe we will evolve to live in the sea like waterworld.  What we are capable of imagining, we are capable of accomplishing.

  3. Global warming.....AND cooling.... are naturally occuring cycles on Earth.  This has always been the case.....PERIOD....."The debate is over".......PERIOD!!!  

    (I apologize to those who are trying to make $$$$ from the AGW scam, but the truth must be known)

  4. 1) Increase in the Earth's temperatures over a shorter-than-normal period (relatively sudden).

    2) Observations at present: melting of glaciers and other ice structures which will in turn cause increases in water level.  Higher temperatures in general.  As for what the effect of these things will be, there is a lot of intelligent theory and a lot of extremist speculation.  These can be hard to sort out.

    3) Unknown.  The degree to which human activity has brought about global warming (and over what length of time) is debatable.  Therefore, it's not known to what extent our actions in attempting to stop global warming will be effective.  It's widely thought that attempting to reduce carbon emissions (thereby lessening the greenhouse effect) will help.

  5. GW is increasing of average atmospheric temperature of the Earth because of addition of some non desirable ingredients in the environment like greenhouse gases.

    GW can disbalance the season cycle. It's causing the polar ice to melt as a result ocean level is rising by few mm every year.And after a long period of time we can lose our major coastal cities throughout the world.

    I think GW can be delayed by cutting emission of greenhouse gases completely, by planting more and more trees etc.

  6. GW is real big issue concerning all irrespective of place, Religion and social status. Damages are already visible erratic rains, snowfalls, hurricane.We all can contribute in stopping  further degradation of resource. As somebody famously said: we have not inherited earth from our fathers , we borrowed it from our childrens.

    Its a matter of conscious, use green products, waste little water. plant trees. use bio degradable products. support green initiatives. small thing which we can do. There are other bigger things which may not in our hand ,,but do our bit.

  7. I find it almost funny  (if it wasn’t so sad) that some suggest we are not responsible for this the amount of Co2 we are releasing is massive, yes there are natural systems but we are adding to them. The other funny one, Volcanoes put out more Co2 than humans per year

    (Volcanoes ~200-250 millions tons) (Humans ~40-45 Billions tons)

    Co2 shot up suddenly around the start of the industrial age and has gone at ever increasing amounts since, seeing the correlation isn't religion it is simply comparing the Co2 record to a calendar.

    Some spout new rubbish theories by strange Russians who claim the Sun is cooling, this is rubbish, the full output difference between solar min & max is 0.1% the same Russian has also suggested that Pluto is warming, there is no evidence for this at all.

    Yes there have been only a few sunspots, but we are just starting a new cycle and this is not unusual it is usually several years before spot numbers pickup. The link below from wiki shows 400 years sunspot observations and clearly shows the current levels


    1) Increase in Co2 and other green house gases from cars, coal fired power stations, cement production, reduction of rain forests for farming and livestock

    2)Melting glaciers around the world, die off of reefs, like the Great barrier reef. The current record of Co2 goes back 650,000 years (ice core record) and is now at the highest it has been in that time. Current IPPC estimates are a 24in sea rise over the 100 years.

    3) The high cost of fuel has actually helped on a number of levels people are driving less, car companies have pushed forward production dates of alternative fuel cars & hybrids

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