
I have some questions about the Navy...?

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I'm going to bootcamp next month and then "A" School to be a Quartermaster. I just have some questions:

1. What is a good or the most popular degree people get in college while in the Navy?

2. What careers out in the civilian world would a guy with military experience have a better chance of getting?

3. How long do you have to be in the Navy before the tuition assistance kicks in?

4. What are my chances of becoming a recruiter after my first 4 years?

5. After your first 4 years,do you have a choice of anywhere you want to get stationed?

6. What types of discounts do military personnel get?

7. What are the biggest perks with being in the Navy?

8. Is it true that there are a lot of women at the ports?

9. on the ship do they have cable tv and things like that?

10. If I got one of those internet cards from att or verizon for my laptop,would it work aboard a ship?

11. I'm a little bit older(25) than most of the other recruits going in,will that be an advantage or hurt me?

12. What ports do the Atlantic Fleet usually go to?

Thank you for your time.




  1. I'm a Navy Vet:

    1. I have a Bachelor of Science in Health Science. (I was a Navy Corpsman) Other Corpsmen get degrees in Nursing or Business.

       It really depends on what you want...or your rating. If you are in military law enforcement then people get Criminal Justice degrees. Other people seek degrees in computer, business, law, teaching, psychology, sociology, and anything else. ***the military doesn't pick for you. You pick and it depends on what schools are near by the base or what on line classes you sign up for.

    2. Again it depends on what your job was. I was a hospital corpsman...I now take x rays at a doctors office. (I wasn't an X ray tech but I got OJT at the current employer based on my previous medical experience)

    3. Tuition Assistance can kick in at your first permanate duty station. But some duty will require you to do all of your military requirements first. (like on a ship you have to get your ship qualifications done damage control, ESWS, and other stuff like that)

    4. If you make Petty Officer Second Class during your first enlistment then you can apply for the job. You usually do that when you go up for orders.

    5. You rarely get your choice of can request to be stationed anywhere but it depends on the needs of the Navy. I got one set of orders I requested the whole time I was in, I nearly fainted when I got them...Sometimes they have special programs that give you a better selection.

    6. Some stores and resturaunts give 10% discounts around major military instilations. Some airlines give discounts especially if you go on emergency leave. It depends.

    7. I loved the travel. I also liked the family-like environment. The pay was good. I don't get paid as much now.

    8. Since I am a woman, I never sought out other women but there are women around the ports. You'll even be stationed with military women. (That doesn't mean they will all want good out there. Pennicillin doesn't cure everything.)

    9 The ship I was on had satilight TV, but it didn't do much good while underway. We had closed circut TV when we were at sea and they showed movies. Mostly older movies but sometimes newer ones. Some films are released as special veiwing for military.

    10 Some cell phones and wireless work on ships, but usually you have to go to the weather decks. Most ships have internet onboard.

    11. I joined the Navy at 24 and didn't have any age problems.

    12. I was in the Pacific Fleet...but the Atlantic Fleet go to the Mediteranian, the Carribean, and Iraq. (and a few other places depending on the mission of the ship)

  2. 1. What is a good or the most popular degree people get in college while in the Navy?

    It depends on your job field.

    2. What careers out in the civilian world would a guy with military experience have a better chance of getting?

    Anything government related because you will get veterans preference points

    3. How long do you have to be in the Navy before the tuition assistance kicks in?

    Not sure of this one but I think it's right away. Go to for more info

    4. What are my chances of becoming a recruiter after my first 4 years?

    You have to be E-5 or higher and be a top performer (sqared away with good evals) to apply to become a recruiter in the Navy.  There are talks about letting E-4 recruit as well, not sure if they approved it just yet.  

    5. After your first 4 years,do you have a choice of anywhere you want to get stationed?

    You apply for your next job 9 months before your rotation using CMIS/JASS with the assistance of your career counselor. There will be a list of open billets and you apply for them. They are listed monthly and if you don't get your choice the 1st month then you apply again the next month for the new selections. You will have orderes selected by 6 months prior to rotation or your detailer will assign you orders based on the needs of the Navy.

    6. What types of discounts do military personnel get?

    All sorts of establishments offer military discounts from movie theaters to restaurants to hotels to theme parks, etc. You just have to ask if they offer it. Also, just because 1 location does doesn't mean they all do. It's most common in a military concentration area. The discounts are usually the equivalent to a senior 10% off discount.

    7. What are the biggest perks with being in the Navy?

    Your basic needs are taken care. You have a hot meal, shelter, pay, laundry service, etc. There is very little basics that you need.

    8. Is it true that there are a lot of women at the ports?

    Yes but they aren't the cleanest (whores)and that's just gross.

    9. on the ship do they have cable tv and things like that?

    They have Armed Forces Satelite TV. The Defense Media Center puts together all the shows that are seen on the ships tvs and the only commercials are military oriented. You will see the Super Bowl and things that are time sensitive but most other shows are a little late in the season.

    10. If I got one of those internet cards from att or verizon for my laptop,would it work aboard a ship?

    No, not while underway. The ships radar and satellites are pretty strong and kill a lot of other signals. Also, you will be several decks below in a steel box so reception is bad.

    11. I'm a little bit older(25) than most of the other recruits going in,will that be an advantage or hurt me?

    Help, you will be more mature and if willing can focus on the task and be serious about the job/mission.

    12. What ports do the Atlantic Fleet usually go to?

    Spain, Italy, etc. Theirs are called a Med cruise and they typically see the countries in the Mediteranean. Also, port calls vary depending on the ship size. Some small boys go to port that are too small for a carrier.

  3. 1: one that YOU want to get or will use when you get out.

    2: there is no magic bullet.. your experience will help in any long as you apply yourself.

    3: you will not be permitted to take any classes on your own until you reach your first duty station..and then it is command discretion and you need your COs permission.  they may deny it for any number of include mess cranking, getting qual'd or your on the job performance.  

    4: you cannot apply until you are an E6.  

    5: Not really, no.  you can try and get  something as part of your enlistment bonus, but Needs of the Navy still take precedence.

    6: Strictly up to the individual vendor.  no one is obligated to give you any discount at all.

    7: depends on what you consider a perk.

    8: don't go there.  you don't need HIV

    9: only when tied up at home port.  

    10. Only when tied up in port.  it will not work underway.  

    11; it will hurt you only if you allow it to.  My DH was 28 when he went through Boot Camp and did just fine.

    12. Europe, the Caribbean and the Middle East.  

  4. "1. What is a good or the most popular degree people get in college while in the Navy?"

    The most popular degree is psych, because it is the easiest degree to get.

    A lot of sailors take college courses, the Navy pays 80% of the tuition.

    "2. What careers out in the civilian world would a guy with military experience have a better chance of getting?"

    It depends on your rate.

    "3. How long do you have to be in the Navy before the tuition assistance kicks in?"


    "4. What are my chances of becoming a recruiter after my first 4 years?"


    "5. After your first 4 years,do you have a choice of anywhere you want to get stationed?"


    "6. What types of discounts do military personnel get?"

    10% is common.

    "7. What are the biggest perks with being in the Navy?"

    The pay.

    The Navy is the highest paid service.

    No other service can compare to our pay.

    We have the highest SRB, and the most guys who are tax free.

    "8. Is it true that there are a lot of women at the ports?"


    "9. on the ship do they have cable tv and things like that?"

    maybe, no vessel that I have been on had it.

    "10. If I got one of those internet cards from att or verizon for my laptop,would it work aboard a ship?"


    "11. I'm a little bit older(25) than most of the other recruits going in,will that be an advantage or hurt me?":

    No big deal.

    "12. What ports do the Atlantic Fleet usually go to?"

    It depends there are many.

  5. Most of the question can easily answer by your recruiter, my advice to you study you book, and get advance as fast as you.  

    1.  If you want navy to pay for you degree (using tuition not your GI Bill) you has to stick with a degree related to your rate/job.

    2. Federal Government, city goverment, county etc.. because they gave out point for veteran.

    3. That one keep changing, most people don't touch the G.I Bill, because the tuition cover, except book, however you need your supervisor to approve it, and there's limited how much you can take, after you will still gotted to work.

    4. As for becoming a recruiter, is matter if you get to rank to E-5. You has to be E-5 or higher to recruiter.  Also matter where you wana to recrutier, some area is manned and overmanning, but ultimate up to detailer to release you or not, some don't wanted you of under manned, they need experience rated person to fulfill other command.  But you had couple  month to negotiate for order.

    5. Is not always 4 years later you can get change station, it depend your job sea/shore rotation, not many job can get you rotate after 4 years, unless you station oversea. Right now Navy wanna cut down size, and extend longer sea tour for many rate.

    6. You get many discount while been active duty, example using of Navy Exchange, you don't pay sales tax regardless what state you from, using base facilities like gym for free.  Is matter what the base and command provided for discount, it vary place.  But if a city has major porpuation of military, they had more discount like san diego zoo, sea world, active duty can go to theme park for free.

    7. I think this is same as #6.

    8. Wel, some port like australian love u.s. sailor. So therefore you might see more woman waving you there.  Woman ratio it depend the country, but i do know many sailor got a wife from japan.

    9.  Yes, but depend you job, usually supervisor has more privilege in those.  But typical galley should has tv, as for cable is basic cable, but ship should its own channel to broadcast it own MWR movie.

    10.  NO, for security reason and ship internet is mainly use for mission, but you can access to your email using their computer, is illegal to hook up your private comp to the ship or any goverment install one.  IT will let you know what can and can't do.

    11.  Maybe, since many recruiter are under 20 just out of high school, but don't get bother you, as my experience older recruiter tend to do better in the navy long term and better worker because they more mature.

    12.  Europe, Middle East, Africa, and Carribean.  But as it now, most go to middle east because of the war on terrorism.

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