I'm a FTM myself, but I haven't come out to anyone I know in real life, and it'll still be a year or two until I'm 18... I crossdress because I just can't bring myself to wear womens clothing, so I get the feeling that everyone automatically assumes that I'm just a L*****n, but that just isn't the case. Basically, I'm wondering what would be the best way to come out to my parents? Or how did you do it? My dad is against this kind of thing, and I'm not sure about my mom. I'm afraid that if I told them, they might disown me.
Also, I'm sort of afraid that if I'm ever to take testosterone, it'll be really noticeable that I was a woman. I'm not the tallest.. about 5'6, and my face is very soft and stuff... I guess what I'm asking is if you found your transition to be smooth, and if you "pass" easily?