
I have some sick meat birds can you help?

by  |  earlier

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ok i have had this befor in with my chickens, some always die they get pus in there eyes and the eye it doubles in size. one time we gave them antibiotics it worked somewhat. do you no what kind of sickness it is?




  1. Chickens don't blink(or i dont' think they have eyelids). Their eyes are prone to infection, and if the infection isn't treated it usually leads to the brain which results in death.

    Hey man, i was just throwing that out there... don't gota be mean bout it, i mean, you coulda warned me you were gona be communist about it...

  2. I have a good deal of information on poulty problems as i have reared poultry for many years ,i agree that this looks very like infectious coryza .

    Since you have had an out burst before ,you need to be extra careful,watch out & segregate infected birds as soon as signs are seen , thoroughly clean out the pen before introduction of new stock , burn soiled bedding ,fumigation or an antiseptic spray is beneficial ,buy new stock from reputable dealers & maintain the highest possible standards of cleanliness . Never overcrowd .

    Antibiotics & eye drope can help infected birds if started early .

  3. Infectious Coryza? It causes respiratory symptoms but also causes swelling of the eyes..

    Here's more info on it..

    "Infectious coryza is a specific respiratory disease in chickens that occurs most often in semi-mature or adult birds. Infection may result in a slow-spreading, chronic disease that affects only a small number of birds at one time, or in a rapid spreading disease with a higher percentage of birds being affected. The occurrence of infectious coryza is not widespread and the incidence is relatively low.

    The disease is caused by a bacterium known as Hemophilus gallinarum. Outbreaks usually result from the introduction of infected or carrier birds into a flock. Transmission of the infection occurs by direct contact, airborne infection by dust or respiratory discharge droplets and drinking water contaminated by infective nasal exudate. Susceptible birds usually develop symptoms within three days after exposure to the disease. Recovered individuals may appear normal but remain carriers of the organism for long periods. Once a flock is infected, all birds must be considered as carriers.

    The most characteristic symptoms of infectious coryza include edematous swelling of the face around the eyes and wattles, nasal discharge and swollen sinuses. Watery discharge from the eyes frequently results in the lids adhering together. Vision may be affected because of the swelling. The disease results in a decrease in feed and water consumption and an increase in the number of cull birds. An adverse effect on egg production usually occurs in proportion to the number of affected birds.

    Diagnosis can be confirmed only by isolation and identification of the causative organism. The organism, Hemophilus gallinarum, is extremely fastidious and often difficult to isolate.

    Prevention is the only sound approach in controlling infectious coryza. It usually can be prevented by management programs that eliminate contact between susceptible and infected birds. It requires only separating affected or carrier birds from the susceptible population. In order to prevent the infection, introduce started or adult birds only from sources known to be free of the infection. If infection occurs, complete depopulation followed by thorough cleaning/disinfecting is the only means for eliminating the disease.

    A number of drugs are effective for treating the symptoms of the disease although the disease is never completely eliminated. Sulfadimethoxine or sulfathiazole in the feed or water or erythromycin administered in the drinking water can reduce the symptoms of this disease."

    Hopefully that helps you somewhat..

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